Larissa Aronin is an Associate Professor at the Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel. She has published more than 100 articles and chapters in a range of international journals (Q1) on a wide array of topics connected with multilingualism and authored and co-authored nine books. Prof. Aronin is an Editorial Board Member in peer-reviewed international journals, Including "Language Teaching" (CUP)Q1, International Journal of Multilingualism (Taylor & Francis) Q1 and others. She evaluates book manuscripts submitted for respectable international publishers: Cambridge University Press, Springer, Multilingual Matters (Bristol), Bloomsbury Publishing (New York-London-Sidney) and De Gruyter (Berlin-New York).
Prof. Aronin served two terms as a Secretary of the International Association of Multilingualism. She was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy in the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, Visiting Research Fellow at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland and a KIVA Guest Professor Technical Universität Darmstadt, Germany.
Prof. Aronin is an International external expert and Rapporteur for international research foundations for Research Councils and funding agencies in Europe and Canada, a Member of the Board of reviewers for Christopher Brumfit Ph.D/ Ed.D Award, International external expert and a member of the assessment panel for a Doctoral thesis in European Universities and is currently supervising two Ph.D theses there. According to the Open Syllabus site, seven of her books, articles and chapters are included into university syllabi and taught in a variety of courses across the world. Prof Larissa Aronin has participated in more than 60 international conferences, coordinated panels and symposia. She is invited to give plenaries and keynotes all over the world.