1. Leikin, M., Share, D. L., & Schwartz, M. (2005). Difficulties in L2 Hebrew reading among Russian-speaking second graders. Reading and Writing, 18, 455-472.
2. Schwartz, M., Leikin, M., & Share, D. L. (2005). Bi-literate bilingualism versus mono-literate bilingualism: A longitudinal study of reading acquisition in Hebrew (L2) among Russian-speaking (L1) children. Written Language and Literacy, 8, 179-207.
3. Schwartz, M., Geva, E., Leikin, M., & Share, D. L. (2007). Learning to read in English as L3: The cross-linguistic transfer of phonological processing skills. Written Language and Literacy, 10 (1), 25-52.
4. Schwartz, M., Share, D. L., Leikin, M., & Kozminsky, E. (2008). On the benefits of bi-literacy: Just a head start in reading or specific orthographic insights? Reading and Writing, 21 (9), 907-927.
5. Schwartz, M. (2008). Exploring the relationship between family language policy and heritage language knowledge among second generation Russian-Jewish immigrants in Israel. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 29 (5), 400-418.
6. Schwartz, M., Kozminsky, E., & Leikin, M. (2009a). Socio-linguistic factors in second language lexical knowledge: The case of second generation children of Russian-Jewish immigrants in Israel. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 22 (1), 14-27.
7. Schwartz, M., Kozminsky, E., & Leikin, M. (2009b). Towards a better understanding of first language vocabulary knowledge: The case of second generation Russian-Jewish immigrants in Israel. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal, 3, 226-244.
8. Schwartz, M., Kozminsky, E., & Leikin, M. (2009c). Delayed acquisition of irregular inflectional morphology in Hebrew in early sequential bilingualism. International Journal of Bilingualism, 13 (4), 501-522.
9. Leikin, M., Schwartz, M., & Share, D. L. (2010). General and specific benefits of bi-literate bilingualism: A Russian-Hebrew study of beginning literacy learning. Reading and Writing, 23 (3-4), 269-292.
10. Schwartz, M. (2010). Family language policy: Core issues of an emerging field. Applied Linguistics Review, 1 (1), 171-192.
11. Schwartz, M., Moin, V., Leikin, M., & Breitkopf, A. (2010). Immigrants' family language policy toward children's preschool bilingual education: Parents' perspective. International Multilingual Research Journal, 4, 107-124.
12. Schwartz, M., Mor-Sommerfeld, A., & Leikin, M. (2010). Facing bilingual education: Majority-language teachers' challenges and strategies. Language Awareness, 19 (3), 187-203.
13. Moin, V., Schwartz, M., & Breitkopf, A. (2011). Balancing heritage and host languages in bilingual kindergarten: Viewpoints of Russian-speaking immigrant parents in Germany and in Israel. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 19 (3).
14. Schwartz, M., Moin, V., & Leikin, M. (2011). Parents' discourses about language strategies for the child's preschool bilingual development. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education: An International Journal, 5, 149-166.
15. Kahn-Horwitz, J., Schwartz, M., & Share, D. L. (2011). Acquiring the complex English orthography: A tri-literacy advantage? Journal of Research in Reading, 34 (1), 136-1561.
16. Moin, V., Breitkopf, A., & Schwartz, M. (2011). Teachers' views on organizational and pedagogical approaches to early bilingual education: A case study of bilingual kindergartens in Germany and Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27 (6), 1008-1018.
17. Schwartz, M. (2012). Second generation immigrants: Towards a socio-linguistic approach to linguistic development. In M. Leikin, M. Schwartz, & Y. Tobin (Eds.), Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-linguistic perspectives add page numbers (pp. 119-135). Literacy Studies, Springer.
18. Leikin, M., Schwartz, M., & Tobin, Y. (2012). Current issues in bilingualism: A complex approach to a multidimensional phenomenon. In M. Leikin, M. Schwartz, & Y. Tobin (Eds.), Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-linguistic Perspectives (pp. 1-18). Literacy Studies, Springer.
19. Moin, V., Schwartz, M., & Leikin, M. (in press). Immigrant parents' lay theories of children's preschool bilingual development and family language ideologies. International Multilingual Research Journal.
20. Schwartz, M., & Moin, V. (2012). Parents' assessment of their preschool children's bilingual development in the context of family language policy. International Journal of Multilingualism, 33 (1), 35-55.
21. Schwartz, M., & Katzir. T. (2012). Depth of lexical knowledge among bilingual children: The impact of schooling. Reading and Writing, 25 (8), 1947-1971.
22. Schwartz, M., Moin, V., & Leikin, M. (2012). Lexical knowledge development in first and second languages: A role of early bilingual education. Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, 15 (5), 549-571.
23. Xi Chen, B., Geva, E., & Schwartz M. (2012). Understanding literacy development of language minority students: An integrative approach. Reading and Writing, 25 (8), 1797-1804.
24. Schwartz, M. (in press). Immigrant parents' and teachers' views on bilingual pre-school language policy. Language and Education.
25. Schwartz, M., & Shaul, Y. (in press). Narrative development among language-minority children: The role of bilingual versus monolingual preschool education. Language, Culture and Curriculum.
26. Ibrahim, R., Schwartz, M., Kahn-Horwitz. J., & Leikin, M. How do socio-cultural factors affect acquisition of reading in second language? Asian EFL Journal. Accepted for Publication.
27. Schwartz, M., Nir-Sagiv, B., Leikin, M., Levie, R., & Ravid, D. (2012). Acquisition of regular and irregular inflectional morphology in Hebrew (L2) among early sequential Russian-Hebrew speaking bilinguals. Heritage Language Journal.
28. Schwartz, M. & Minkov, M. Inflectional morphology acquisition in the first language: An incomplete acquisition or complete non-acquisition? Journal of Slavic Linguistics.