טופס נייח

סגל אקדמי

Dr Nikki Aharonian  
Dr Nikki Aharonian

​I have been a teacher for 30 years, working in elementary schools as a homeroom teacher, an L1 Hebrew teacher, and an English teacher. I was vice-principal for over ten years and head of pedagogy at the school. For over 20 years, I have coached teachers in schools and taught in-service courses.
At Oranim, I am the English Language and Literature Department chair. My courses include Teaching English for Young Learners, Techno-pedagogy for Language Learning, Rhetoric Skills and Readers' Theatre, and Dialogue and Thought in Education. 
In the Faculty of Education, I teach courses on Hebrew language and literacy teaching at the elementary level. Learning at all levels should be an engaging, active, and creative process that invites learners into significant dialogue with the course content, other students, and the lecturer.
In 2022, I established the "Etnachta" writing community for faculty members at Oranim. 
I wrote my PhD about the professional learning of Israeli teachers and the role of writing in that learning. I am a post-doctorate fellow at the Mofet Institute, studying teacher educators as writers and writing communities. My research interests include teacher educators, writing and writing pedagogy, dialogic and relational education, and self-study methodologies.

Gordon Ginzburg  
Dr. Janina Kahn-Horwitz

Dr. Janina Kahn-Horwitz, is a senior lecturer at Oranim College of Education. She is chair of the Department of English Language and Literature.  She teaches in the undergraduate English Language and Literature Department as well as the graduate M.Ed. Language Learning program. Her research interests include individual differences in language learning and English as a foreign language reading and spelling development. She has a B.A. from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Haifa. Janina has always been involved in education, both informal and formal. She sees educators as agents of change, making a significant impact on society through self-example and mentoring.

 אור פני  
Professor Rachel Tzvia Back

Professor Rachel Tzvia Back completed her doctoral studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, specializing in poetry and American literature. Head of the literature track in the BA studies and Head of the Graduate English Track, Back has been on faculty at Oranim College since 2000. Her courses in the M.Ed. program include: Poetry in the EFL Classroom,  African-American Literature, The Development of the English Language and Rhetorical Principles.

Prof. Back lectures widely in the US, primarily on poetry as a tool for social action and on translation strategies. Back is a published English-language poet (her collections include Azimuth, On Ruins & Return, A Messenger Comes and What Use is Poetry, the Poet is Asking), and an award-winning translator of Hebrew poetry into English.

Gordon Ginzburg  
Dr Etti Gordon Ginzburg

The Department of English Language and Literature

I received my Ph.D. in English literature from Bar-Ilan University in 2014. My research interests include children and childhood in literature; children’s literature; childhood studies; nineteenth-century American women writers; nonsense poetry; theories of genre, canonicity and gender in literature. In addition, I teach and write about humanistic practices in education.

Emil Haloun  
Dr. Judith Yoel

Judith Yoel is a linguist, a sociolinguist, and a teacher trainer. At Oranim College of Education, she teaches courses mainly in linguistics, academic writing and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). Her areas of research include language and material culture, linguistic landscapes, signed languages, heritage languages, English as a globalized language and academic writing.

סוזו יופה  
ד"ר סוזן יופה

בעלת תואר שלישי ממחלקת בלשנות באוניברסיטת בר אילן, ותואר שני בהוראת אנגלית (TESOL). מלמדת בחוג לאנגלית בתואר הראשון ובתואר השני במכללה האקדמית אורנים, ובמכללה האקדמית שאנן, ובמכללה האקדמית תלפיות. הרצאותיה כוללות מגוון נושאים הנוגעים לבלשנות וחינוך, וביניהם: רב לשוניות ורב תרבותיות, שיטות פדגוגיות שונות בלמידת שפה זרה, חומרי למידה ותוכניות לימודים. עשתה מחקר על פיתוח דו לשוניות בילדים בגיל הרך במעבדת דו לשוניות בבר אילן, ומשרתת כמפקחת לעדובות גמר (חוץ) למשרד החינוך. עבדה שנים רבות כעורכת מאמרים אקדמיים.

 Sharon Fayerberger  
Sharon Fayerberger

I teach a course in English Language Didactics - Junior High and High school for the Academic Retraining program.  I am also a full time English teacher and Educator and have been teaching for the past 28 years.  My field of expertise is vocabulary acquisition in second language learning.  I was involved in creating Band III (A list of lexical items  currently taught at high schools around Israel).  In addition, I am an oriental dance instructor which I incorporate into my teaching from time to time as I am a firm believer that movement helps the learning process and that having a bit of fun in the classroom generates positivity.  I also practice mindfulness every day.


דר סילעית רון  
ד"ר סלעית רון

חלום חיי היה להיות גנטיקאית, כשסיימתי את התואר השני בגנטיקה של האדם בפקולטה לרפואה בהדסה עין כרם, התחלתי ללמד (די במקרה) בבית הספר הניסויי בירושלים ונשבתי בקסם.
אחת ההנאות הגדולות שלי היא ללמד! כמורה למדעים, חיפשתי מענה במחקר לסוגיות שהעסיקו אותי בכיתה. כך בחרתי לערוך דוקטורט בתחום הוראת המדעים. השלמתי דוקטורט בטכניון שעסק בלמידה בקבוצות קטנות של תחום האבולוציה בתיכון.
בהמשך, חקרתי בפוסט דוקטורט חשיבה ביקורתית אצל תלמידים (בחיפה) וסטודנטים (באורנים). במהלך חיי המקצועיים, לימדתי והדרכתי מורים בבתי ספר יסודיים ועל יסודיים, הקמתי וניהלתי את תחום החינוך ברמת הנדיב שעסק בחינוך אקולוגי במשך יותר מעשור וניהלתי את תחום המתמטיקה והמדעים בחותם במשך חמש שנים. בחותם הכרתי לעומק את הפריפריה החברתית גאוגרפית בישראל ואת החשיבות הגדולה של החינוך כמשנה מציאות חברתית.
אני מאמינה בלמידה מתמדת ובהתנסויות מרחיבות אופקים, זכיתי להיות עמיתה בבית ספר מנדל למנהיגות חינוכית בירושלים במשך שנתיים ואני ממשיכה ללמוד בתוכנית השונות באמצעות יחידת הבוגרים.
אני רואה חשיבות גדולה בקשר עם העולם היהודי בתפוצות, לכן יצאתי לשליחות קהילתית מטעם הסוכנות היהודית לשלוש שנים. במהלכן ניהלתי את מרכז תכניות ישראל בקהילה היהודית בצפון ניו ג'רסי.
כיום אני ראשת התכנית להוראה ביסודי באורנים- כאן התחלתי את דרכי כמורה. בחינוך היסודי, יש עדיין את החופש לחלום ולהגשים חלומות עם התלמידות והתלמידים, לעצב עתיד טוב יותר לכולנו.

ספר אחרון

עריכת הספר - הדברים הנסתרים מהעין
 Leah Doryoseph  
Leah Doryoseph

Leah Doryoseph is a lecturer at Oranim College, teacher trainer for the Israeli Ministry of Education and a high school teacher of English and computer programming.  Before moving to Israel with her family, Leah had been a software engineer in the United States. Her passion for literature and technology make an ideal combination for training teachers to work in the 21st century.

נעה בר חושן  
PH.D. Noah Bar Gosen

I have been working as a humanistic teacher and homeroom educator at elementary and mid school for the past 25 years. I have a B.A. degree in social work from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A master degree from Oranim College for education, and a PH.D. degree from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, - both in education. I focus on inclusion with its various aspects – teachers' roles, students' characteristics, class management and educational perceptions and practices.   Currently conducting a research – guided by Yad Tabenkin - concerning the experience of homosexuals and lesbians adolescence in kibbutzim educational system – a retrospective perspective.   

Deborah Dubiner  
Deborah Dubiner

Deborah Dubiner has a B.A. in Linguistics from Tel Aviv University, a Master’s in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from the University of Southern California, and a Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition, Carnegie Mellon University. Her teaching load is distributed in the graduate, undergraduate, in-service, and pre-service language teaching programs.  Her sociolinguistics research focuses on multilingualism, bilingual education, as well as on various topics in the language, society, and education. She specializes also in second language acquisition/teaching. Before focusing exclusively on sociolinguistics and second language teaching, Dr. Dubiner taught different foreign languages for over 25 years in three continents.

Elias Farah  
Dr. Elias Farah

Dr. Elias Farah has taught English at an Israeli high school for the past 24 years. He has also been teaching at Oranim Academic College of Education since 2016. He directs one of the largest Model UN conferences in Israel and is the director of EXCEL Institute, a peacebuilding and language enrichment program for English teachers. In 2017, he received the Rothschild Prize for Education in the Israeli Knesset. In 2022, he was named by Oranim Academic College of Education as one of its 70 graduates that has left an imprint on Israeli society.​

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