חינוך יצירתי או יצירתיות חינוכית: תרומת כלים אומנותיים ויצירתיים לתהליכי חינוך והוראה

Research group: Creative education or educational creativity - the contribution of arts to creative education and social emotional learning  
About Us:
Our research group originates in the Department for the Integration of Arts in Education – Faculty of Education, Oranim Academic College. Our goal is to research and observe processes of growth and personal development in the educational field, and investigate how tools taken from the discipline of art promote these processes. 

The ability to experience growth and development of both teachers and students within the various frameworks of formal education is of significance to the learning environment itself. Until now, research has been scarce on how integration of arts in educational processes contributes and promotes significant learning and personal development among male and female students for education and instruction, as well as male and female pupils. Therefore, we decided to focus on research in this field, assuming that it may contribute considerably to processes of growth and significant learning. 

We have opted for commencing our research group with a  literature narrative review, in order to learn and become acquainted with ongoing research and theory on our topics of interest (meaningful learning and developmental processes, education for creativity, artistic tools from other disciplines). We aimed at developing conceptual and applied tools for integrating the arts in education, and to create a uniform language that includes development, social emotional learning and arts.  The narrative review has been published at JEA (Journal of the arts & education), 20 January, 2024. Next, we have conducted the following practical research, investigating processes of growth and development among student-teachers regarding their exposure to creative components and artistic tools in their academic course. A third study is to be conducted this year, regarding their experiences as teachers that use artistic tools to enhance teaching​
​Group members

צוות המחקר

תואר בחינוך - תואר ראשון בחינוך  
Dr. Galit Zana Sternfeld

Head of research group

Dr. Sternfeld teaches in the Department for Integration of Arts in Education and the Department of Early Childhood Education at Oranim College. She has three specializations in psychotherapy: Movement-based therapy, dyadic psychotherapy and couple and family therapy, and is acknowledged by the Israeli Association for Psychotherapy as a qualified psychotherapist. Galit has 28 years of experience in the field of emotional treatment and has worked and instructed several years in public frameworks of therapy (Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health, Hof Hagalil Center for Family and Child Care in Nahariya, the Early Childhood Center in Shlomi). For 15 years Galit has been running a clinic for emotional therapy of children, parents and families (the clinic “Between Us” in Kibbutz Evron). Galit has taught and instructed in the division of movement and dance based therapy in the school for art therapy at the University of Haifa. Her master’s thesis is on the topic: “The body as narrator:  Body-movement memories in life-stories of Holocaust survivors, and her doctorate is on the topic: "Traumatic Events: An interplay of body-mind narratives. Towards a theoretical model". She is about to begin her post-doctoral studies via Mofet Institute.  
Recent publications:
Zana-Sterenfeld G, Israeli, R., Lapidot-Lefer, N, Hefetz, G. Creative education or educational creativity: Integrating arts, social emotional learning and self-growth 
Paper under observation (2022). 
Zana-Sterenfeld, G. Holocaust survivors and descendants – Multigenerational transference via body-movement perspective and practical implications for DMT intervention. In R. Dieterich-Hartwell & A. M. Melsom (Eds.), Dance/movement therapy for trauma survivors: Theoretical, clinical and cultural perspectives (2022).  Routledge 

תואר בחינוך - לימודי חינוך והוראה  
רוני ישראלי


רוני ישראלי, MA, מרצה לחינוך במכללת אורנים, במסלול שילוב אמנויות בחינוך. בעלת תואר שני בהנחיית קבוצות, ותואר שני נוסף בטיפול באמנות. בעלת תואר ראשון בתחומי החינוך הבלתי פורמלי והחינוך מיוחד. מנחה צוותים מקצועיים בתוכניות קדם צבאיות בארגון החלוץ-המדרשה. עוסקת מעל עשרים שנה בתחומי קהילה, חינוך והתנדבות במסגרות שונות בארץ ובעולם

צוות המחקר

תואר בחינוך - תואר ראשון בחינוך  
Dr. Guy Hefetz


Dr. Hefetz is leading the field of program and team development in the Faculty of Education at Oranim College. He took part in the founding team of the Department for the Integration of Arts at the college. For the last decade, he has been leading the development of programs and guides teams of lecturers and pedagogical instructors at Oranim. Simultaneously, he has been heading the program that offers alternative qualifications for teachers at the college, and accompanies processes of change in schools willing to make systemic changes and introduce new educational paradigms. He enhances the development of individuals, teams and organizations in light of a vision which endorses humanistic approaches in education and in Israeli society. Guy Hefetz holds a doctorate from Haifa University and resides in Kibbutz Hanaton, in the lower Galilee.  

Last publication:
Hefetz, G., Ben Zvi, D. (2020). How do communities of practice transform their practices? Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 26. 

תואר בחינוך - לימודי חינוך והוראה  
ד"ר נעם לפידות לפלר


ד"ר נעם לפידות לפלר, חוקרת ומרצה בכירה בחוג לחינוך העל-יסודי, בפקולטה לחינוך, במרכז האקדמי לחינוך וחברה אורנים. בנוסף, היא מדריכה פדגוגית של סטודנטים בשדה. היא חברה במרכז למחקר פעולה ולצדק חברתי במכללה האקדמית עמק-יזרעאל ע"ש מקס שטרן. סיימה בהצטיינות דוקטורט בחוג לייעוץ והתפתחות האדם באוניברסיטת חיפה והיתה חוקרת אורחת בפקולטה לחינוך באוניברסיטת בריטיש קולומביה, בוונקובר, קנדה. נושאי המחקר ועבודתה העיקריים נוגעים בתחום של למידה רגשית-חברתית (SEL: Social-Emotional Learning) במרחב המקוון ובכלל. בין היתר, עוסקים מחקריה בנושאים של קשר, שייכות, הכלה ואמפתיה, ובעולם הרגשי במרחבים חינוכיים; הבדלים תרבותיים בהצקה מקוונת; ובתהליכי הלמידה וההתפתחות של סטודנטים ושל הסטודנט הערבי בפרט.

אתר אישי

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