Workshop 2023-2024 Oranim Academic College of Education

Workshop 2023-2024 Oranim Academic College of Education​

How to Research and Publish in English​ 
Prof. Larissa Aronin   

Sundays 9:00 -14:00  Wednesdays 9:00- 14:00 ​ 

The first two meetings 25/10 , 10\22   will be partially frontal, for all the participants (9:00-13:00  frontal, 13:00-14:00 individual) ​ ​ 

To register click here ​​​​​​​​​

בתאריכים: 29/10, 25/10 , 10\22  
 11\1, 11\5, 11\8, 11\12, 11\15, 11\19, 11\22, 11\26, 11\29
12\3, 12\6, 12\10, 12\13, 12\17 ,12\20, 12\24, 12\28

What is required in order to publish in the esteemed English-medium academic journals. 
How to distinguish between spam and respected professional publications.
Open access publishing.
Rules and traditions of academic publishing in English
How to plan your publication: journal selection, topic, style.
Co-authors, the order of authors.
Research methods and their correct use.
Ethical issues: integrity, honesty, responsibility.
How to start your work on publications
Structure of an academic article; How to write and abstract, a literature review, discussion and conclusion. Bibliography requirements.
Your submission checklist.
The participants are invited to suggest additional topics that they are interested in. 

What is new in the field of research and publishing – an update
How to plan your next publication.
How to publish under time and energy constraints
Measuring your research input. Indexing, citation index, Scopus, google scholar, etc.
Most recent challenges and innovations in the world of academic publishing.
Facing a peer-review: emotions, realities and working out a course of actions.
Working in a team or/and individually; choosing your co-authors. 
Online and face-to-face Conferences: before, during and after.
New skills and programs to have for participating in the academic life after COVID..​

The participants are invited to suggest additional topics that they are interested in. 
Individual meetings can be held both on Mondays and Wednesdays irrespective of whether you are beginner or an experienced researcher.

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