פויס, י' (2012). הלוך ושוב מן הקריאה אל הכתיבה – מורים מנוסים לומדים בסביבת וויקי. דפים – כתב עת אקדמי, מכון מופ"ת, 54, 247-219.
פויס, י' (2008). "הסיפורים שמספרים כמוהם כמקומות" - קריאה ביצירה "בן החולות" מאת טאהר בן-ג'לון. אורנים- כתב עת אקדמי, רב-תחומי, מקוון, גיליון 1
פויס, י. (תש"ס). הוראת ספרות בין מורשת תרבותית לשיח רב-תרבותי. דפים, 29, 43-28.
פויס, י' (תשס"ו) טקסט, קורא ומורה – פתח דבר, דפים, 42, עמ' 23-13.
פויס, י', דה-מלאך, נ' (תשס"ו) לא אוכל להגדיר סיפור כטוב" – סטודנטיות להוראה מעריכות סיפור, דפים, 42, עמ' 181-154.
Poyas, Y. (2004). Exploring the Horizons of the Literature Classroom – Reader Response, Reception Theories and Classroom Discourse, . L1- educational Studies in Language and Literature, 4(1), pp. 63-84.
Eilam, B. & Poyas, Y., (2006). Promoting Awareness of the Characteristics of Classrooms' Complexity: A Course Curriculum in Teacher Education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(3), 337-351.
Poyas, Y. & Smith, K. (2007). Becoming a Community of Practice – The blurred identity of clinical faculty teacher educators. Teacher Development, 11(3), 313-334.
Eilam, B., & Poyas, Y. (2008). Learning with multiple representations: Extending multimedia learning beyond the lab. Learning and Instruction, 18(4), pp 368-378.
Eilam, B. & Poyas, Y. (2009). Learning to Teach: Enhancing Pre-service Teachers' Awareness of the Complexity of Teaching-Learning Processes. Teachers and Teaching – Theory & practice, 15(1), 87-107.
Eilam, B. & Poyas, Y. (2010). External Visual Representations in Science Learning: The Case of Relations Among System Components International Journal of Science Education. 1–32, iFirst Article
ISSN 0950-0693 (print)/ISSN 1464-5289 (online)/10/000001–32. DOI: 10.1080/09500690903503096
Poyas, Y. (2010). Teachers learning with Wiki: Factors Influencing Behaviors and Outcomes. In: Siran, M. & Purnendu, T. (Eds.): "Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning: Issues and Challenges" (pp. 140-154). IGI Global. . http://www.igi-global.com/Bookstore/TitleDetails.aspx?TitleId=37310&DetailsType=Chapters
Poyas, Y. & Eilam, B. (2011). Construction Of Common Interpretive Spaces Through Intertextual Loops -- How Teachers Interpret Multimodal Learning Materials. Teaching and Teacher Education. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2011.08.002
Eilam, B. & Poyas, Y. (2012). Teachers’ interpretations of texts-image juxtapositions in textbooks: From the concrete to the abstract, Journal of Curriculum Studies, DOI:10.1080/00220272.2011.637181
Poyas, Y. (2013). ‘Private path, public route’: a multicultural group of teachers experiences Wiki-assisted learning. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, pp. 1-20 | DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2013.778456.
Poyas, Y., & DeMal’ach, N. (2013). Teachers’ attitudes towards the aims of Literature teaching. Iyunim Ba'Hinuch (Stydies in Education), 7-8, 236-259. (In Hebrew).
Poyas, Y., & Elkad-Lehman, I. (2013). Discourse between (un)equals while reading literature: Two case studies. Iunim BeSafa VeHevra (Israel studies in Language and Society), 6(1), 59-94. (In Hebrew).
Eilam, B., Poyas, Y., & Hashimshoni, R. (2014). Representing visually: What teachers know and what they prefer. In: B. Eilam, & J. Gilbert, (Eds.), Science teachers’ use of visual representations. (pp. 53-84) Series of models and modeling in science education: Berlin: Springer.
Poyas, Y. (2015). "And with me everything is up-side-down" – The body in "A horse walks into a bar" by D. Grossman. Dvarim – An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal, 8, 1-24. (In Hebrew).
Poyas, Y., & Elkad-Lehman, I. (2016). "Reading it my way": Reading literature in a conflicted multicultural setting. L1- Educational Studies in Language and Literature.
Barak, D., Diab, H., & Poyas. Y. (2016). Innovation in university faculties for social work, medicine, law and nursing, and what can teacher education learn from them. In: Poyas, Y. (Ed.), Teacher education in the maze of the pedagogical innovation (pp. 245-262). Tel-Aviv: Mofet Institute Publishing. (In Hebrew). (Writers’ names arranged alphabetically).
Poyas, Y., & Diab, H. (2016). Have you experienced innovative pedagogy? Pre-service teachers' ideas concerning pedagogical innovation. In: Poyas, Y. (Ed.), Teacher education in the maze of the pedagogical innovation (pp. 136-154). Tel-Aviv: Mofet Institute Publishing (In Hebrew).
Poyas, Y., & Gavish, B. (2016). Initiating or being pulled: Departments heads' attitudes concerning pedagogical innovation. In: Poyas, Y. (ed.) Teacher education in the maze of the pedagogical innovation (pp. 105-135). Tel-Aviv: Mofet Institute Publishing (In Hebrew).
Poyas, Y. (2015). "And with me everything is up-side-down" – The body in "A horse walks into a bar" by D. Grossman. Dvarim – An Interdisciplinary Academic Journal, 8, 1-24. (In Hebrew).
Poyas, Y., & Elkad-Lehman, I. (2016). "Reading it my way": Reading literature in a conflicted multicultural setting. L1- Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 16, 1-28.
Poyas, Y. (2016): “Don’t Sell Me the Enemy’s Literature”: A Self-Study of Teaching Literature in Politically Fraught Contexts, Studying Teacher Education, 12(3), 267-283