2. מאמרים שהופיעו ו/או אושרו לפרסום בכתבי עת מדעיים עם שיפוט
1. Schreuer, N., Josman, N., Gal, E., Chen, L., Ricon, T., & Weiss, P.L., (2006). Incorporating Online- learning into the Occupational Therapy curriculum. Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy,15, E119-E136.
2. Ricon T., Pratt H & Josman N., (2007). Brain and behavior interaction in adolescent performance of a categorization task . The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy. 16(2), E33-E55.
3. Eldar, S., Ricon, T., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2008). Induced attentional bias toward threat has causal effects on vulnerability to stress in 7 to 12 Year-Old Children. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 46(4):450-61 (IF 2.9)
4. Zimerman, D., Hus, S., Tene, R.M., Fogel, Y., Barhum, S. H., Stein, A., Ganama, R., Engel-Yeger B. & Ricon, T. (2008).Contextual memory test child (CMT CH)- assessment – a construction of a new morning tablet – psychometric properties, for children at age 8-14 years. Ijot. 17(4)- (bo2d)
5. Ricon, T., Schreuer, N & Rosenblum, S. (in press-2010). Problem based learning - enables expression of individual characteristics of OT students. Creative Education. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ce/
6. Ricon, T. (in press-2010) . Using concept maps to organize theoretical issues in DCD and as a treatment tool. Health. http://www.scirp.org/journal/health/
3. מאמרים בעבודה או בהגשה לפרסום
1. Ricon T. Toth, E. & Richter-levin, G. (submitted) Chronic mild stress during juvenility reduces the adverse effects of maternal deprivation on cognitive abilities in adulthood. Behavioral brain research (IF3.17)
2. Ricon, T. Hen, L., Ben-Shem, I. & Sachs, D. (in process). First year students' attitudes toward disability in occupational therapy program- longitudinal research.
3. Ricon, T. (in process) Time organization and perception in adolescence and their parents as demonstrated in the TOP’s questionnaire.
4. Ricon, T. (in process) validity and reliability of a new "future planning" category of the ACS evaluation tool.
5. Ricon T., Hen, L. Kaadan, A. (in process). "Make My Day"- Daily log for young children- Reliability and validity.