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נחשון,מ. (1994) "קרינה מייננת, השפעותיה הביולוגיות ושימושיה- דרכי הערכה מגוונות" המכון הביולוגי -השתלמות מורים באזור חיפה.
נחשון,מ. (1992) "קרינה מייננת, השפעותיה הביולוגיות ושימושיה - קשיים בהוראת הנושא" כנס ארצי למורי ביולוגיה, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן.
Nachshon, M., Rom, A.(2023) Teachers as Students: Duality as Perceived by Teachers and Aspectsof Self-Efficacy in an Online Environment. Paper presented at the International Conference on Education and New Developments 2023 (END 2023),
22-24 June, Lisbon, Portugal. Education and New Developments, 2023, (Vol. 1. page 8-12) Edited by Mafalda Carmo, World Institute for Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Portugal. ISSN (electronic version): 2184-1489, ISSN (printed version): 2184-044X
ISBN: 978-989-35106-3-6.
Nachshon,M., Rom, A.(2022) Implementing STEAM education through teacher training, PaperPresented at the Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference. UniversityCollege London, 28-30 June 2022.
Nachshon, M. & rom,A. (2020) The Methodology of Action Research (AR) and The Impact on Teachers’Professional Development. Education and New Developments - END 2020 (p. 234).Edited by M. Carmo, World Institute forAdvanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisboan, Portugal. ISSN: 2184-044X e-ISSN:2184-1489 ISBN: 978-989-54815-2-1 © 2020
The methodology of action research (AR) and the impacton teachers’ professional development (pages324-328)
Nachshon M. & Rom, A. (2019) ActionResearch: a Significant Way for Professional Development, ARTIST - Action Research toInnovate Science Teaching, Batumi, Georgia
Nachshon M. & Rom, A. (2017) Pre-serviceteachers’ perceptions of cooperative and individual-learning, TheInternational Conference on Education and New Developments- END 2017 (p.100). Editedby M. Carmo, World Institute for Advanced Research and Science (WIARS) Lisbon,Portugal. ISSN:2184-044XISBN:978-989-99864-3-5 © 2017
Rom, A. & Nachshon,M. (2014). Two-way Process in Sciencefor All program - Ways to Improve the Quality of Teaching Process. Paperpresented at the EARLI 2014/Madrid Conference
Nachshon M. & Rom, A (2014) Benefits from Evaluation Data — Ways to Improve the Quality of Teaching Process. Paper presented at the International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2014 Valencia Conference. http://library.iated.org/view/NACHSHON2014BEN
Nachshon, M.& Rom, A (2012). High School Student’s Portfolios in Science for All: Indicators of the Quality of their Teachers’ Work. Paper presented at the EARLI/Brussels 2012 Conferenceon.
Rom, A. & Nachshon, M. (2011) Cooperative learning and student preferences. Paper presented at the EARLI 2011 Conference.
Nachshon, M. & Rom, A(2009) The curricular reform of science for all in Israel for high school students. Poster presented in ESERA - European Science Education Research Association, 2009 Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nachshon, M. & Rom, A.(2008) Evaluating the use of popular science articles for assessing high schools students. Paper presented at the Fourth Biennial Joint EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference in Berlin/Potsdam, 27-29 August 2008.
Nachshon, M. & Rom, A.(2008) Evaluating the use of popular science articles for assessing high schools students. Paper presented at the Fourth Biennial Joint EARLI/Northumbria Assessment Conference in Berlin/Potsdam, 27-29 August 2008.
Nachshon , M. & Lazarowitz , R (2002) Ionizing Radiation, Uses and Effects” A thematic Module for 11th Grade Students: Academic Achievements and Creativity. Paper presented at the Annual National Association for Research in Science Teaching –NARST- Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. April 7-10, 2002
Nachshon , M. & Lazarowitz , R.(2001) Development and Field Testing of a Thematic Module “Ionizing Radiation, Uses and Effects” – Creativity of 11th Grade Students. Paper Presented at the 1st IOSTE Symposium in Southern Europe University of Cyprus, Parlimni, Cyprus, 29th April- 2nd May, 2001.
Nachshon , M. & Lazarowitz , R.(1999) Teaching/Learning Science in a Thematic Mode: Students’ Creativity and Teacher Perceptions. International Workshop on Science Teachers Education toward the New Millennium. Technion – Israel Institute of Technology , Department of Education in Technology and Science. January 5-6, 1999.
Nachshon , M. ,Lomask ,S. M., & Lazarowitz , R.(1992) Teaching Nuclear Radiation in an Integrative Approach to 10th grade biology students: Academic Achievement and Attitudes . Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). 21-25, 3, 1992.