1.Tsahar E. and A. Haim 2001.Habitat response to grazing: the different abilities of rodent species to usefeces as a water source. Mammalia 65:91-96.
2.Izhaki I., Tsahar E., PaluyI. and J. Friedman. 2002. Within population variation and interrelationshipsbetween morphology, nutritional content, and secondary compounds of Rhamnusalaternus fruits. New Phytologist 156:217-223.
3.Tsahar E., Friedman J. andI. Izhaki. 2002. Impact on fruit removal and seed predation of a secondarymetabolite, emodin, in Rhamnus alaternus fruit pulp. Oikos99:291-300.
4.Tsahar E., Friedman J. andI. Izhaki. 2003. The secondary metabolite emodin increases food assimilationefficiency of fruit-eating bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos). The Auk120:411-417.
5.Bakken B.H., McWhorter T.J., TsaharE. and C. Mart?nez del Rio. 2004. Hummingbirds arrest their kidneys atnight: diel variation in glomerular filtration rate in Selasphorusplatycercus. Journal of Experimental Biology 207:4383-4391.
6.Tsahar E., Mart?nez del RioC., Arad Z., Joy J.P. and I. Izhaki. 2005 Are the low protein requirements of nectarivorousbirds the consequence of their sugary and watery diet? - A test with an omnivore.Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 78:239-245.
7.Tsahar E., Mart?nez del RioC., Izhaki I. and Z. Arad. 2005. Can birds be ammonotelic? Nitrogen balance andexcretion in two frugivores. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:1025-1034.
8.Tsahar E., Arad Z., IzhakiI. and C. Mart?nez del Rio. 2006. Do nectar- and fruit-eating birds have lowernitrogen requirements? An allometric test. The Auk 123:1004-1012.
9.Tsahar E., Izhaki I., AradZ. and C.G. Guglielmo. 2006. The relationship between uric acid and itsoxidative product allantoin: a potential indicator for the evaluation ofoxidative stress in birds. Journal of Comparative Physiology B 176:653-661.
10. Tsahar E., Wolf N., Izhaki I., Arad Z. and C. Mart?nezdel Rio. 2008. Dietary protein influences the rate of 15N incorporation inblood cells and plasma of Yellow-vented bulbuls (Pycnonotus xanthopygos).Journal of Experimental Biology 211:459-465.
11. Tsahar E.,Izhaki I.,Lev-Yadun S.and G. Bar-Oz. 2009.Distribution and extinction of ungulates during the Holocene of the southernLevant. PLoS ONE. 4:e5316.
12. Bar-Oz G., Weissbrod L. and E. Tsahar. 2014. Cats inrecent Chinese study on cat domestication are commensal, not domesticated. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 10.1073/pnas.1324177111.
13. Bar-Oz G., Tsahar E., Izhaki I. and S. Lev-Yadun. 2015.Mammalian extinction in ancient Egypt, similarities with the southern Levant. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 10.1073/pnas.1422133112.
Chapter in refereed book
LeveyD.J., Izhaki I., Tewksbury J., Haak D.C. and Tsahar E. 2006. Why fruitsecondary compounds are of primary importance. In: Dennis A., Green R., SchuppE. and Westcott D. (Eds.), Seed Dispersal: Theory and its Application in aChanging World. CAB International Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK,
TsaharE. and Haim A. 1999. Habitat response to grazing: the different abilitiesof rodent species to use feces as a water source. The 7thInternational Conference of The Israel Society for Ecology and EnvironmentQuality Sciences. Jerusalem. p.117.
TsaharE., Afik D., Friedman J., Izhaki I. 2000. The impact of the secondarymetabolite emodin in Rhamnus alaternus fruit on fruit removal and seedpredation. 3rd international symposium-workshop on frugivores and seeddispersal. Aug 2000 Brazil.
TsaharE., Friedman J., Izhaki I. 2001. Emodin in the fruit pulp of Rhamnusalaternus affects fruit removal and seed predation. Israel Journal ofZoology 47:196.
Tsahar E., Mart?nez del Rio C., Izhaki I., Arad Z., GuglielmoC.G. 2005. Uric acid as an antioxidant in passerine birds. Israel Journal ofZoology 51:84.