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Atun-Einy, O, Cohen, D., & Scher, A. (2011, March). Seasonal effect on crawling: A study in Mediterranean climate Presented at Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Montreal, Canada.
Cohen, D., & Atun-Einy, O. (2010, May). The onset of crawling and nightwaking: A longitudinal study. Presented at the research workshop of the Israel Science Foundation: Emerging locomotion skills, emotional regulation and the tasks of a sleeping infant. University of Haifa, Israel
Cohen, D., Atun-Einy,O., & Scher, A .(2010, March). Seasonal differences in sleep during the second half of the first year. Presented at the International Conference on Infant Studies. Baltimore, USA.
Cohen, D., & Scher, A. (2009, May). Seasonal differences in sleep-wake patterns in infants. Presented at the 3rd International Congress of Applied Chronobiology and Chronomedicine. Akko, Israel
Scher, A., & Cohen, D. (2004, October). Nightwaking as a marker of developmental milestones: The case of crawling. Presented at the 14th meeting of the European Pediatric Sleep Club. Prague.
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הצגת עבודת המ.א. בכנס של החברה הישראלית לחקר השינה (אוקטובר, 2002) - הקשר בין התפתחות מוטורית
לבין דפוסי שינה של תינוקות