Intercollegiate research group – Integrating Technology in Mathematics and Science Education – Oranim College

​Intercollegiate research group – Integrating Technology in Mathematics and Science Education – Oranim College

Dr. Ruti Segal. Group leader - Faculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College, Tivon, Israel. Email:​.

The research group began its activities in November 2020 to investigate processes and characteristics of integrating diverse technologies in teaching and research. Key issues that the group chose to focus on: integrating technology in teaching math and science, attitudes and TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge) of math and science teachers, and their emotions while the use various technologies environments.
Below is part of the research activity of the group:

Rese​arch 1: Changes in the attitudes of mathematics and science teachers toward the integration and use of computerized technological tools as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic (published) 

This quantitative retrospective study examines a non-probable convenience sample of 104 in-service mathematics and science teachers with the aim to understand their changes in attitudes toward the integration and use of information and communications technology (ICT) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data included a self-report questionnaire. The results indicate an increase in teachers’ knowledge regarding the e-learning environments available at their schools. The teachers revealed that before the pandemic, they mostly used computer tools to support struggling students or carry out basic calculations. However, during, because they had to plan distance learning environments, they introduced adaptive pedagogical use of ICT tools for all their students. The findings reveal that most teachers experienced difficulties emanating from lack of preparation time, technological knowledge, and/or technical conditions, thus suggesting that policymakers must decide how to provide adequate knowledge and technical support to allow teachers to successfully integrate computerized technologies into their teaching. 

Research 2: Emotions of mathematics and science teachers regarding the integration of computer technologies and their TPACK (2 papers in preparation)
This study focused on the emotions experienced by mathematics and science teachers concerning three aspects of integrating computer technology into teaching: presenting information and visual aids, assessment, and inquiry tools. A closed online quantitative questionnaire was distributed by non-probable sampling method to 91 in-service mathematics and science teachers. The results point to a core of four positive emotions that prevailed to a large extent with regard to integrating technological tools for the purpose of presenting information and visual aids, and was rated to less extent for assessment and inquiry. In addition, the results reveal a core of three negative emotions concerning the three aforementioned aspects. The findings suggest that teachers generally exhibit positive emotions towards technology integration and have the potential to serve as a platform to help math and science teacher educators when designing learning environments that integrate technology.

Part of research topics for the group further work:
1. Relying on the findings of the group's research mentioned above, we will to examine intervention programs to expand and deepen the TPACK of math and science teachers, and to reduce the negative teachers' emotions when using and implementing technology.
2. Monitoring the development of mathematical knowledge for teaching and levels of geometric thinking of mathematics teachers in primary and secondary school when they create lesson plans incorporate dynamic technological environments.
3. Based on research results, initiate courses for pre-service and in-service mathematics and science teachers to promote their TPACK and their positive emotion regarding the integration of technology in teaching and learning processes.  

Group Publications:
Klemer, A., Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Herscu-Kluska, R., & Kouropatov, A. (2023). Changes in the attitudes of mathematics and science teachers toward the integration and use of computerized technological tools as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(7), em2295.
Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Klemer, A., Raveh, I., Lavie, I. & Wagner-Gershgoren, I. (2023).    Teachers' Attitudes and Emotions Regarding the Integration of Technology into Teaching. Published in the proceeding of Passion and Professionalism in Teacher Education International conference, The MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv.

Klemer, A., Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Herscu-Kluska, R., & Kouropatov, A. (2023).  Teachers' Attitudes About the Computerized Technology Tools They Incorporate in their Teaching. Published in the proceeding of Passion and Professionalism in Teacher Education International conference, The MOFET Institute, Tel Aviv.

Klemer, A., Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Herscu-Kluska, R., & Kouropatov, A. (2023).  Teachers' attitudes towards technology during emergency remote learning. Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics; Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Jul 2023, Budapest, Hungary. ffhal-04410787f. 

Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Klemer, A., Raveh, I., Lavie, I. & Wagner-Gershgoren, I. (2023). Science and mathematics teachers' attitudes and emotions regarding technology integration. Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics; Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest, Jul 2023, Budapest, Hungary. ffhal-04412143f. 

Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Klemer, A., Raveh, I., Lavie, I., Wagner-Gershgoren, I. (2023). The relationship between mathematics and science teacher emotions toward the integration of computer technologies and TPACK. Submitted to international Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. (sjr: Q1) (under revision)

Rave, I., Lavie, I., Wagner-Gershgoren, I., Miedijensky, S., Segal, R., Klemer, A. (2024). Mathematics and science teachers’ perceptions of their TPACK and the usage of technology tools in their teaching. Submitted to Journal of Computers in Education. (sjr:Q1)

Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Klemer, A., Raveh, I., Lavie, I. & Wagner-Gershgoren, I. (2023). Science and mathematics teachers' attitudes regarding their TPACK and THEIR emotions. Presented (by Ruti Segal). In Lavie, I., Vider, M. & Haddad, N. (Eds.). Proceedings of JCRME11  - the 11th  Jerusalem Conference on Research in Mathematics Education. Lev Institute, Jerusalem. February 15-16, 2023, pp. 214-220. (In Hebrew).

Klemer, A., Segal, R., Miedijensky, S., Herscu-Kluska, R., & Kouropatov, A. (2023).  Mathematics and Science Teachers' attitudes towards the integration of computerized technology before and during the outbreak of the Corona virus. Presented by Anatoli Kouropatov.  In Lavie, I., Vider, M. & Haddad, N. (Eds.). Proceedings of JCRME11  - the 11th  Jerusalem Conference on Research in Mathematics Education.  Lev Institute, Jerusalem, February 15-16, 2023, pp. 214-220. (In Hebrew).

Raveh, I., Lavie, I., Wagner-Gershgoren, I., Miedijensky, S., Segal, R., & Klemer, A. (2025). Mathematics and science teachers: How their perceptions of their TPACK and use of technology interrelate. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. DOI: (online)

Biton, Y., Segal, R. (2025). Learning to Craft and Critically Evaluate Prompts: The Role of Generative AI (ChatGPT) in Enhancing Pre-service Mathematics Teachers' TPACK and Problem-posing Skills. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST). 12(6),​
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Ruti Segal 

Head of the Department B.Ed. in Mathematics Education of Primary School Education, and Department Chair M.Ed. in Mathematics and Science of Primary School Education at Oranim- Academic College of Education.
Leads an intercollegiate research group at Oranim College that deals with the integration of technologies in teaching mathematics and science.​

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Shirley Miedijensky  

Dr. Shirley Miedijensky is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Oranim Academic College. She received from the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology her B.Sc. in Biology, M.Sc., and Ph.D. in direct track in Science and Mathematics Education. As a Post-Doctoral fellow, she studied science learning environments for gifted students. She supervises graduate students and teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in the Department of Science and Mathematics Education and in the MTeach program. Dr. Miedijensky directed the Academic Portal of Oranim College and was a leading member in establishing the Unit for Online Studies in the college. She is a consultant to educational institutions on issues related to assessment, scientific and mathematical education, and nurturing the gifted. Dr. Miedijensk's research interests include science education, STEAM, metacognition, assessment in education, pedagogy, interdisciplinary learning, and teachers’ professional development. 
Dr. Shirley Miedijensky. Faculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College, Tivon, Israel.
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Ronit Herscu-Kluska  

Ronit Herscu-Kluska is a lecturer in chemistry and science education at Oranim Academic College of Education. She received her Ph.D. in inorganic​ chemistry from Ben-Gurion University. Dr. Herscu-Kluska's research interests focus on teaching and learning chemistry and science across life from early childhood to the third age and older adults' education. She teaches Oranim courses related to STEM and research, in graduate, undergraduate and in-service programs.  Dr. Herscu-Kluska is a member of the Israel Chemical Society, EARLI, and EAPRIL.
Dr. Ronit Herscu-Kluska.  Faculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College, Tivon, Israel.

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Anat Klemer   

Dr. Anat Klemer is interested in the field of Gamification and Innovation in Education at Western Galilee College. Head of the Teaching Committee for master's degree in Literacy and Innovation and Leading a mathematical literacy project in the community at Western Galilee College. Her Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Haifa University was about Models to improve the understanding of the concepts of ratio and proportion. Dr. Klemer has produced e-learning programs for teaching mathematics at “Snunit – Galim” and at “Time to Know”.  She has directed the National Center for Mathematics Teachers in Elementary Education at the University of Haifa. Dr. Klemer leads community involvement projects in the field of mathematical education with children in preschool through the end of elementary school, in the city of Acre. In this framework, her students work under her guidance with children who have difficulty in mathematics. Her research interests focus on knowledge and understanding of maths concepts, as well as dealing with Problem Solving while modeling situations with ICT tools and physical manipulatives. The motivation for her work stems from the study of the psychological aspects of teaching and learning in mathematics.
Dr. Anat Klemer. Faculty of Education, Western Galilee College, Acre, Israel.
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Iris Wagner‐Gershgoren    

Dr. Iris Wagner‐Gershgoren is a member of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Oranim Academic College as a lecturer in the M.Ed. program in Science Education in primary and secondary schools and the M.Ed. program in Educational Leadership Management and Organization of Educational Systems. She received her B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in Science and Technology Education from the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. She was Head of the Evaluation field in the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and is currently the coordinator of the Teaching Quality Surveys Department. She was a partner in an international ARTIST project within the framework of the European ERASMUS+ program to promote science education by conducting action research. Her Academic discipline in teaching, research, and Master dissertations supervision are: (1) Science Education, Biology Education, Development of study units, creativity in science teaching, high-order thinking skills (2) Educational assessment and evaluation, alternative assessment, formative assessment, program evaluation, teacher evaluation and (3) Professional development of teachers, pre‐service teacher education, educational leadership.
Dr. Iris Wagner-Gershgoren Faculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College, Tivon, Israel.
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Ira Raveh     

Dr. Ira Raveh is a lecturer at the Department of Mathematical Education in Primary School at Oranim Academic College and a head of the Department of Teaching and General Studies at Braude Academic College of Engineering. She has developed and headed a Qualification of Engineers as Mathematics Teachers’ Track. Additionally, she has acted as a coordinator of the Teaching Practicum program.  She received from the Technion- Israel Institute of Technology her B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. in direct track in Mathematics Education. Dr. Raveh has Developed learning and teaching material for mathematical textbooks according to the program in Middle School and developed a Curriculum and Mathematical Education Syllabuses in M. Teach. Program at Teaching and General Studies in Braude Academic College of Engineering. Dr. Raveh’s research interests include concepts of mathematical understanding and engineering understanding; career change to teaching and particularly engineers’ career change to mathematics teachers; emotional aspects of lecturers in the transition to distance learning; cognitive aspects in spatial thinking and transfer between different mathematical representations; Mathematics and Science teacher's emotions during implementing technology in teaching and learning processes.  
Dr. Ira Raveh. Braude Academic College of Engineering, Department of Teaching and General Studies Karmiel, Department of Mathematical Education in Primary School at Oranim Academic College,  Israel.  
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Anatoli Kouropatov    

Dr. Anatoli Kouropatov is a senior lecturer of mathematics and mathematics education at The Academic Center Levinsky-Wingate, Israel. For decades Anatoli has worked as a mathematics educator, a developer of learning and teaching materials, and as a researcher. His current research is focused on cognitive and epistemological aspects of mathematics knowledge; on understanding both the mathematical and didactical impact of technological tools on students’ knowledge construction; on pre and in-service mathematics teachers’ education.
Dr. Anatoli Kouropatov. The Academic Center Levinsky-Wingate, Department of Mathematics, Tel-Aviv, Israel
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Yaniv Biton    

Dr. Yaniv Biton is Head of Mathematics Education at the Center for Educational Technology (CET), Tel Aviv, Israel. CET is a non-profit organization that promotes innovative learning by introducing solutions that integrate pedagogical innovation, relevant content, and advanced technologies. He is currently leading a team that develops of K-12 printed, digital, and hybrid mathematical content for CET. Through his work with in-service and pre-service teachers, Dr. Biton promotes effective and efficient integration of diverse innovative technologies in K-12 mathematics education. He also develops massive open online courses (Mooc) for teachers on pedagogies in mathematics. Dr. Biton is also a mathematics teacher educator at the Shaanan College of Education, Haifa, Israel. Dr. Biton’s research focuses on assessment and technology in mathematics education, adaptive learning systems, and learning in social networks. He serves in master’s and doctoral thesis committees in mathematics education. He is also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of research in mathematics education (in Hebrew). The journal includes entries on the Mathematics Olympiad, mathematical concepts, the human side of mathematics, pedagogies in mathematics, and research reports, among others. 
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