Personal Site

Ricon Tsameret

  • Reception Hours:

    יום ג' 11:00-12:00


Dr. Tsameret Ricon

Ph. D - Haifa University, Israel 2005




Areas of Interest and Specialization

Child Development, Child Psychology, Cognitive Development, Stress, Parenthood, Maternal Deprivation, Brain Functioning, Psychopathology, Play


Academic Position  

Senior Lecturer 2014


Selected Publications

Articles in Refereed Journals (Hebrew)

Schreuer, N., Josman, N., Gal, E., Chen, L., Ricon, T., & Weiss, P.L., (2006). Incorporating online learning into the occupational therapy curriculum. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 15(4), E119-E136.

Ricon T., Pratt, H., & Josman N., (2007). Brain and behavior interaction in adolescent performance of a categorization task. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 16(2), E33-E55.

Zimerman, D., Hus, S., Tene, R.M., Fogel, Y., Barhum, S. H., Stein, A., … Ricon, T. (2008).Contextual memory test child (CMT CH) assessment – a construction of a new morning tablet –  psychometric properties, for children at age 8-14 years. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 17(4), H207-H222.

Articles in Refereed Journals (English)

Eldar, S., Ricon, T., & Bar-Haim, Y. (2008). Induced attentional bias toward threat has causal effects on vulnerability to stress in 7 to 12 year-old children. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46(4), 450-61.

Ricon, T., Schreuer, N., & Rosenblum, S. (2010). Problem based learning - enables expression of individual characteristics of OT students. Creative Education, 1 (1), 1-67.

Ricon, T. (2010).  Using concept maps to organize theoretical issues in DCD and as a treatment tool. Health, 2(7), 641 – 818.  

Ricon, T., Toth, E., Leshem, M., Braun, K., & Richter-Levin, G. (2012). Chronic mild stress during juvenility reduces the adverse effects of maternal deprivation on cognitive abilities in adulthood. Stress, 15(1), 11-20.

Ricon T., Hen, L., & Kaadan, A. (2013).Establishing reliability and validity for "Make My Day:" A new tool for assessing young children's typical daily activities. Occupational Therapy International, 20 (4), 173-184.

 Ricon T., Weissman, P., & Demter, N. (2013). A new category of “future planning” in the activity card sort: Continuity versus novelty in old age. Health, 5(2), 179 – 187.

Goldblatt, M., Yahav, R., & Ricon, T. (2014). Overview of intervention programs for parents of young children (0 - 6). Open Journal of Pediatrics, 4, 185-207.


Other Publications (Hebrew)

Ricon, T. (2005).  The effects of early stress on chronic stress on cognitive abilities in adulthood: Behavioral aspects (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Haifa: Israel.