Curriculum Vitae
Shahar Bar Yehuda
Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center
OranimCollege of Education
1996-1999 BA inEducation and Comparative Literature
HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem, Israel
1999-2001 MA in Management, Planning and Policy-Making in Education
HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem, Israel
2013-2016 MA (with Honors) in Special Education (Autism SpectrumDisorder specialization)
Bar-IlanUniversity, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Thesis title: EmotionalExpressiveness in Minimally Verbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Advisor: Bauminger-ZvielyNirit, Ph.D.
2017- 2022 Ph.D. in Special Education
Dissertationtitle: Joint Action in Children and Adolescents with
AutismSpectrum Disorder and Typical Development
Bar-IlanUniversity, Ramat-Gan, Israel
Advisor: Bauminger-Zviely Nirit, Ph.D.
2018 ADOS-2 Administration and coding for researchreliability training course, Hogrefe& Beginning with A,Oxford shire, England
Professional activities
2022- Lecturer and a Pedagogical Advisor,Special Education Program, OranimCollege of Education
2019-2022 National Autism Counselor, SpecialEducation Department, Ministryof Education
2016- Lecturer and a Pedagogical Advisor,Special Education Program, LevinskyCollege of Education
2013-2019 Education Director, ALUT (The Israeli society forchildren and adults with Autism)
Advocatingfor the rights of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and theirfamilies
2011-2013 Social & Welfare Sector Director,Mandel Graduate Unit, MandelFoundation
Advancingthe impact and professional development ofMandel Graduates
2010-2011 Chief Operating Officer, Alma- Home for Hebrew Culture
2008-2010 Fellow, MandelSchool of Educational Leadership
Graduate (cohort 17)
2006-2008 EmploymentServices Manager, Beit Ekstein
Operating sheltered and supported employment services for adults with disabilities
2005-2006 Employment CounselorsTeam Leader
"From Welfareto Work" Rehabilitation Program, Amin-A4E
1999-2005 Supported EmploymentProgram Manager, Israel Elwyn
Operating supported employment service for adults with disabilities
Awards, Honors
2021 Bar-IlanUniversity, Scholarship for Academic Excellence
2020 Kunin-Lunenfeld Foundation ResearchExcellence Scholarship
2020 Bar-Ilan University, Scholarship for Academic Excellence
2020 Bar-Ilan University, Prize forArticle Publication
2019 Bar-Ilan University, Scholarship for Academic Excellence
2018 Bar-Ilan University, Scholarship for Academic Excellence
2016 Bar-Ilan University, Master's Degree Magna cum Laude
2016 Bar-Ilan University, Honors on Master's Thesis
Bachelorof Education (B.Ed.)
SpecialEducation Excellence Program
Teachinga student with ASD and Intellectual Disability
RetrainingAcademic as Teachers Program
Teachinga student with ASD
Special Education Program
Practical Training in SpecialEducation Schools for Students with Autism
Students withDisabilities in the Education System (Integrative Course)
First and second yearTeachers program
Workshop for first yearspecial education teachers (Induction Programs)
Listof Publications
Articles in refereedperiodicals
Shifer V., Almog-Bareket G., Berkowitz, I. & BarYehuda, S. (2010). Third sector involvement in the Israeli school system.Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
Bauminger-Zviely, N., Estrugo, Y., Samuel-Magal,K., Friedlin, A., Heishrik, L., Koren, D. & Bar Yehuda,S., (2019). Communicating Without Words: School-Based RCT SocialIntervention in Minimally Verbal Peer Dyads with ASD, Journal of ClinicalChild & Adolescent Psychology,
Bar Yehuda, S., & Bauminger-Zviely, N. (2022).Social-Motor Coordination Between Peers: Joint Action Developmental Trajectoriesin ASD and TD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-18.
Paper presented at scientific conferences
Bauminger-Zviely,N., & Bar Yehuda, S. (May, 2016). The emotions expressed during social interactionwith peer versus adult partners in minimally verbal children with ASD.Paper presented at the 28th APS Annual Convention,May 26-29, 2016, Chicago
Bauminger-Zviely, N., & Bar Yehuda,S. (September, 2016). Minimally verbalchildren with ASD: Emotional expressiveness during social interaction with peerversus adult partners. Paper presented at the Autism-EuropeXI international congress, September 16-18, 2016, Edinburgh
Bauminger-Zviely, N., Samuel-Magal, K.,Estrougo, Y., Friedlin, A., Bar Yehuda, S. Heishrik, L., & Koren, D. (May,2017). School-based RCT peer social intervention (S-PSI)for minimally verbal children with ASD (MVASD).Paper presented at the International Conference for Autism (IMFAR), SanFrancisco
Bar Yehuda, S. (September, 2018). Studentswith ASD in Israel. Paper presented at the International ScientificConference Focus on Autism,September 27-29 2018, Krakow
Bar Yehuda, S. (April, 2019). Inclusion- Colliding Practices. ErasmusXIV International Staff Mobility Week, 8-12 April 2019, Siauliai
Bar Yehuda, S. (September, 2019). Who cares about autism -General education social inclusion programs. Paper presented at the Autism-EuropeXII international congress, September 13-15, 2019, Nice
Bauminger-Zviely, N., Bar-Yehuda, S.,Karin, E., & Estrugo, Y. (2019). The Link between Coordinated Joint Actionand Common Ground in ASD. Poster presented at the Into the Brain conference- Joint Action Meeting VIII, July 10th-13th, 2019, Genoa
BarYehuda, S. (September, 2019). Who is this child anyway? Paperpresented at the Mahut center - Mofet institute2nd conference, September 19th, 2019, Tel-Aviv
Bar Yehuda, S. (June, 2020). Inclusion -Colliding Practices. Paper presented at the International Scientific ConferenceFocus on Autism,June 8th-July 3rd, 2020, online
Karin, E., Bar-Yehuda, S., Geva, R.,& Bauminger-Zviely, N., (May 2021). Meet Me in the Middle: The Link BetweenCommon Ground and Coordinated Joint Action in ASD and TD. Poster presented atthe INSARconference, May 3rd-7th, 2021, online
Bar-Yehuda, S., Estrugo, Y., &Bauminger-Zviely, N. (May 2021). Watch Your Step! The Link Between CoordinatedJoint Action and Peer Social Engagement in ASD and TD. Poster presented at the INSARconference, May 3rd-7th, 2021, online
Peer, A., Bar Yehuda, S. (June, 2021).Myth and Autism - The Power of Emotions.Paper presented at the 49TH CONFERENCE OF THE ISRAEL SOCIETYFOR THE PROMOTION OF CLASSICAL STUDIES, June 2nd-3rd,2021, Tel-Aviv University.
Benatov, J., Sarel-Mahlev E., &Bar Yehuda S. (October 2021). Modifying a School-Based Suicide PreventionProgram for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). paper presented atthe International Summit on Suicide Research, October 24th-27th,2021, Barcelona.
Bar Yehuda, S., Estrugo, Y., &Bauminger-Zviely, N. (May 2022). Differences Between ASD and TD in Social andNon-Social Joint Action Performance and Its Predictors. Poster presented at theINSAR conference, May 11th-14th,2022, hybrid.
Bar Yehuda S., Sarel-Mahlev E., & Benatov,J. (October 2022). Howto Save a Life - Modifying a School-Based Suicide Prevention Program forAutistic Students. Poster presented at the Autism Europe conference, October 7th-9th,2022.