Personal Site

Segal Ruti

Department Chair M.E.d in Mathematics and Science of Primary School Education - Department Head B.Ed. in Mathematics of Primary School Education

  • Reception Hours:

    יום ד' 11:00-12:00

 Curriculum Vitae - RutiSegal

Updated: October 2017

Born: October 26, 1964, Israel.  Israel I.D: 059073197

           Family status: Married + 4  (Born:2000,  1998 (twin), 1992)

           Permanent Address:

Home: Kibbutz Nir-David, Emek Hamahayanot, 1080300, Israel.

Tel: 972-4-6488834, 972-50-7618419.



2013: Ph.D.Mathematics Education. Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa,Israel.

2001: M.Sc.Mathematics and Education. Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

1997: Teaching certificate for high schoolmathematics, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

1988: B.Sc.Mathematics and Computer Science. Haifa University, Haifa, Israel.


2017 -present      Academic advisor to the "Vidaktika" project – aframework for professional development of mathematics teachers at the level of5 units, following self-video-photography, Department of Science Education,Weizmann Institute of Science, Rechovot, Israel.

20142017:     Post-Doctoral fellow, Neamann Institutefor National Policy Studies, Haifa, Israel.

2012 – present:          Lecturer,Oranim Academic College of Education, Kiryat Tivon,

2013 – present:          Lecturer,Sha-anan Academic College of Education, Haifa.

Professional Experience

2017 -                Reviewer,Jerusalem Conference on Research in Mathematics Education.

2015-todate:     Reviewer,International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

2014-todate:     Reviewer,The Israel Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, Israel (Published inHebrew).

2011-2016:        Nationalsupervisor, assistant to the superintendent of school mathematics, in charge ofa team of over 20 regional supervisors of mathematics teaching at the seniorhigh school grades (10th -12th).

2007-2010:        PedagogicSchool Director "Geon Hayarden".

2003-2010:        Adistrict supervisor of school Mathematics, in charge of a team of over  25 school supervisors of  mathematics teaching at the senior highschool  grades (10th -12th),North Israel.

2001–2002:       "Tomorrow98" in the Upper Galilee. Member ofthe team of teacher educators.

1996-1997:        Participatedat "Manor" program for developing mathematics teacher educator'sleadership, Feinberg, Weizmann Institute of Science.



·Integratingtechnology in mathematics instruction and research.

·Thedevelopment of math professional learning communities and teachers community ofpractice.

·Typicaldifficulties faced by mathematics teachers and teacher educators in mathematicsinstruction.


2016 - Technion

Integrating technology in 5 units (Alevel) high school mathematics instruction. (The program to expand the scope ofcertification for high school mathematics teaching 5 units – summer semester2016).

2011-2016 - Oranim College - Undergraduate Courses

           Analytic geometry,integrated technology approach

Developing mathematical thinking

           Didactic of mathematics,junior high school level

Didactic of mathematics, senior high school level

Number theory

2015-2016- Oranim College - Graduate Courses

Integrating technology in geometry instruction

Master's project supervision

Teaching and learning mathematics through inquiry

2012-2016 - Sha-ananCollege - Undergraduate Courses

       Analytic geometry, an integratedtechnology approach.

       Developing mathematical thinking.

       Didactic of mathematics, juniorhigh school level.

       Didactic of mathematics, seniorhigh school level.

       Gathering research data and itsanalysis.

       Integrating technology inmathematics education.

       Seminar in educational research.

       Spatial geometry.

1989-2012 - Junior& senior high schools (grades 7th -12th)

Teaching Mathematics at senior 5units level (A level), including preparing students fortheir matriculation exams in three high schools: Geon-Hayarden school - kibbutz Neve Eitan - 12 years; Brener school - kibbutz  Givat Brener – 11 years.

Theses and Papers in refereed journal

Thesis:  Ph.D.Dissertation: Charachterising the knowledge and teaching of mathematicsteacher educators.  Advisors: Dr.Boris Koichu;  Prof. O. Zaslavsky, Submittedto Technion, July 2013.



1.Segal, R., Stupel, M.,Sigler, A. (2017). Hidden features of equilateral triangle - discovery integratingtechnological tools, Sha-anancollege journal Vol22, pp. 251-277. [In Hebrew].

2.Segal, R., Stupel, M., Sigler, A.(2017). Surprising Geometrical Properties that are Obtained byTransformation any Quadrilateral into Lattice. Research Journal ofMathematics and Technology, Vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 33-41.

3.Segal, R., Sigler, A., Stupel, M.(2017). A collection of interesting geometric features accompanied by proofthat enable investigated while presenting conservation. Research and Studyin Mathematics Education.  Vol. 5,pp. 100-117. [In Hebrew]

4.      Oxman, V.,Stupel, M. & Segal, R. (2016). On teaching extrema triangle problems usingdynamic investigation. International Journal of

Mathematical  Education in Science and Technology, (online), pp.1-14.

5.Segal,R.,  Stupel, M., & Flores, A. (2016). Examples of multiple proofsin geometry: Part 1, tasks and hints. The Ohio Journal of SchoolMathematics, No.7, pp. 35-43. . FullFall 2016 Issue

6.Sigler, A., Segal, R., &Stupel, M. (2016): The standard proof, the elegant proof, and the proof withoutwords of tasks in geometry, and their dynamic investigation, InternationalJournal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, DOI:10.1080/0020739X.2016.1164347 pp.1226-1243.

7.Stupel, M., Segal, R., &Flores, A. (2016). Hidden properties of the

equilateraltriangle. North American GeoGebra Journal, Vol. 5(1)

pp. 28-39.

8.Stupel, M., Oxman, V., & Segal, R. (2016). Teachinglocus with a conserved property by integrating mathematical tools and dynamic geometricsoftware. ASMJ - Australian Senior Mathematics Journal, Vol. 30(1), pp. 25-44.

9.Katz, S, Segal, R., & Stupel, M. (2016). Using theworking backwards strategy for problem-solving in teaching mathematics tofoster mathematics self-efficacy. Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics:Advances and Applications Vol. 15(2), pp. 107-144.

10.Segal,R., Stupel, M., & Oxman, V. (2015). Dynamic investigation of loci withsurprising outcomes and their mathematical explanations, InternationalJournal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Vol. 47(3),pp. 443-462.

11.  Katz, S.,Segal, R., & Stupl, M. (2015). Proofs without words in geometry:A trigger to self-efficacy and mathematical argumentation. Far East Journalof Mathematical Education, Vol. 16(1), pp. 21-56.

12.  Segal, R., Stupel, M. & Oxman, V.(2015). Investigating loci in technology environment, what we can learnfrom?, Aleh – The Israel Journal for High School Mathematics Teachers, Vol. 52, pp. 7-17 )In Hebrew).

חקירתמקומות גיאומטריים בסביבת גיאומטריה דינמית- מה ניתן ללמוד מזה?

13.  Segal, R., Oxman,V. & Stupel, M. (2015). Dynamic investigation of loci using differentmathematical proofs, Sha-anancollege journal Vol21, pp. 121-140. [In Hebrew].

חקר דינמי של מקומות גיאומטריים בשילוב הוכחות מתמטיות בדרכים שונות

14.  Segal, R., &Stupel, M. (2014). Investigation tasks incorporating computerized technologywith conserved property and generalization.Electronic Journal ofMathematics and Technology. Vol. 9(2), pp. 124-137.

Research Journal of Mathematics andTechnology  (2015). Vol.4(2), pp. 1-16


Accepted/ In Press

15.  Sigler.A., Segal. R., & Stupel. M., (accepted 2016). Relationships between theradius of triangle circumcircle, and radii of inside and out circumscribed, andtheir relationship with triangles side, accompanied by a dynamic exploration". The Israel Journal of Research in Mathematics Education [In Hebrew].


In Preparation

1.      Segal, R.,:  From the diary of researcher: processes and interactionstowards the development of mathematics teachers community - the case of the"Ramzor Latzafon".

2.      Segal. R.,:  Empathy as a tool for facilitating thedevelopment of mathematics mentors within mathematics teachers community - A CaseStudy.

3.      Segal. R., Sigler.A., & Stupel.M.,:  Problem posing and problem solvingof geometrical configuration integrated dynamic geometry software.

Books and Chapters in Collective Volume


1.Segal, R., & Biton, Y. (2015). Integrating technology ingeometry instruction. Geometry constructions: classic, challenging & computerized problems. In: Stupel,M. & Ziskin, K. (Eds.). Sha-anan College Publishing. Chapter 8, pp.211-233. [In Hebrew] 

שילוב הטכנולוגיה הממוחשבת בבניותהנדסיות


2.Segal,R., & Stupel, M. (Accepted 2017). Geometry research task integrating technology.  Acceptedfor publication in: Levenberg, I. & Patkin, D. (Eds.): The many aspectsof geometry – From research to practice in geometry teaching. Tel Aviv:Mofet institute. [In Hebrew].

3.Perll, H., Neria.D., Segal, R., & Sion. N. (forthcoming 2018). Mathematics teachers’support-team at the Israel Ministry of Education: Structure, roles andactivities. Accepted for publication in:  Movshovitz-Hadar. N. (Ed.): Kindergarten toHigh School Mathematics Education in Israel. To be published in 2018 by WorldScientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd. 



Refereedpapers published in international conference proceedings

July 2017     Segal. R., Shriki. A., & Movshovitz-Hadar. N.: Mentoring and collaborating on lesson plans as a means for  training mathematics teachers towards teaching higher levels. Accepted to Oral Communication of the 41thconference of PME - the international group for the psychology of mathematicseducation, Singapure,Singapure, Vol. 1, pp.267

July 2017     Ovadia. T, Segal. R.: principles in designing technology-integrated geometry tasksfor teaching teachers. Accepted to Proceedings of the 41th conference ofPME - the international group for the psychology of mathematics education, Singapure, Singapure, Vol. 3, pp.353-362.

Sept2016:  Segal, R., Sigler, A., & Stupel, M.: Problem posing and problem solving of geometricalconfigurations by integrating Dynamic Geometry Software [ANNOTATION (PDF), PRESENTATION (PDF)]  Presented at and published as no. 39 in the proceedings of CADGME-2016 The SixthCentral- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebra and Dynamic GeometrySystems  in Mathematics Education, Targu Mures,Romania.

Sept 2016: Sigler, A.,Oxman, O., & Segal, R. (2016). The development of interesting connectionsbetween the radiuses of circles that are inscribed in or by triangles, and the discovery of unique features, with algebraic manipulations anddynamic exploration. [ANNOTATION (PDF), PRESENTATION (PDF)] . Presented at and published as no. 41 in the proceedings of CADGME-2016 The Sixth Central- and Eastern European Conference on Computer Algebraand Dynamic Geometry Systems  in Mathematics Education, Targu Mures,Romania.

Aug 2016:    Segal, R.,Shriki, A. & Movshovitz-Hadar, N. (2016). Facilitating mathematicsteachers' sharing of lesson plans, In: Csikos, C., Rausch, A., & Szitanyi,J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 40th conference of PME - theinternational group for the psychology of mathematics education, V. 4, p.171-178., Szeged, Hungary, 3-7.8.16.

July2015:    Segal, R., Oxman, V., &Stupel, M. (2015) Surprising results of an investigation of loci using dynamic softwarePresented at and publishedin the proceeding  of the  9th Annual InternationalConference on Mathematics & Statistics: Education & Applications, ,July 2015 Athens, Greece.

July 2015:    Oxman, V., Stupel, M., & Segal, R.(2015). Making use of dynamic software and mathematical tools in the solutionof extremum problems in  geometry.Presented at  published in theproceeding  of the  9th  Annual International Conference onMathematics & Statistics: Education & Applications, July 2015 Athens,Greece.


Presentationsin local  professional conferences

June 2017             Segal,R., Ovadiya, T. (2017). A theoretical framework for designing geometry tasksintegrates technology for in-service mathematics teacher's learning environment.Poster presentation, Meital Conference - Increased learning and teachingtechnology in higher education, Haifa University, Israel. [In Hebrew]

February 2017     Segal,R., Movshovitz-Hadar, N., Zigerson, V., & Shriki, A. (2017). Progect "RamzorLatzafon" - Developing of teachers community as a lever to empoweringinexperienced teachers for teaching at 5 units mathematics. Gordon College,Conference on Entry into the teaching profession: a challenge and anopportunity,  Israel. [In Hebrew]

April 2016            Segal, R.(2016). Teaching math in A level heterogeneousclass, how to do it?. National conference of high school mathematics teacher.Shfayim, Israel. [In Hebrew]

Feb 2016               Movshovitz-Hadar, N., Segal,R., Zigerson, V., & Shriki, A. (2016).

Project"Ramzor Latzafon" - actions, insights and challenges. Presented at,and published in the proceeding of  The 4thJerusalem Conference on Research in Math Education, Lev Instetute,Israel. [In Hebrew]

May 2015:            Segal, R., & Stupel, M. (2015). Preservation and difference in geometry. Presented  at the meeting of Sha-anan College and  Gordon College, Israel. [In Hebrew]

March 2015:         Stupel,M., & Segal, R. (2015). Loci with preservationproperties using dynamic software. Presented at and published in the proceedingsof the annual meeting of high school mathematics teachers, Shfayim , Israel ,March 30, 2015. [In Hebrew]

March 2015:         Movshovitz-Hadar,N., Segal, R.,  Zigerson, V., &Shriki, A. (2015). Ramzor Project. Presented at and published in the proceedingsof the annual meeting of high school mathematics teachers, Shfayim , Israel ,March 30, 2015. [In Hebrew]

Oct 2014:              Segal, R. (2014). Finding a locuswith a conserved property through a combination of mathematical tools anddynamic geometric software. Presented at The Study conference, GordonCollege, Israel. [In Hebrew]

Feb 2014:              Segal, R. (2014). Characterizingthe knowledge and teaching of mathematics teacher educators. The  15 science conference of research study andcreativity, Oranim Colledge, Kiryat Tivon,  Israel. [In Hebrew]


Fellowships'awards and honorable mentions

2014 - 2017

Post-doctoral fellowship

2010 – 2013

Doctoral fellowship


As part of an advanced course on "mathematical risk financing process" learned in the mathematics department at the Technion, my work has been selected by the lecturer Prof. Abraham Zaks published in the Israeli economic newspaper "Globes"


Tomorrow 98" in the Upper Galilee: one of my lectures was chosen as the best and most interesting.



Segal, R., Sion. N., &Ben-Ami. I. (in press). Summary of a study tour in England - math mentors aspromoting mathematics intruction in five units (A level). Ministry ofEducation, Israel & The Center for Educational Technology, Israel. (inhebrew).

Movshovitz-Hadar, N., Shriki, A.,Segal, R., & Zigerson, V. (2016) Project "Ramzor latzafon"activity summary report years 2015-2016. Neamann Institute for National PolicyStudies Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/6-463.pdf

Segal, R., (2014) Areport summarizing an invited professional study tour  of 5 schools in London. Invited by TrumpFoundation,  Isarel, (in hebrew)