Personal Site

Halabi Rabah

  • Reception Hours:

    יום א' 11:00-12:00

Date of preparation: December 20th, 2011



Personal History:



Name:                                        Rabah Halabi

Mailing address:              P.O.B 4114, Daliat El Karmel 30056


Telephone number:                    (04) 8848941


Date of birth:                             February 22, 1958

Citizenship:                      Israel




Academic Education:


2004- Ph.D in Education, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem.



1988- Master degree in Philosophy of Education, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem.


1984- BA degree in Educational Counseling, University of Haifa.



Additional Training:


1990- Confrence for “leadership and Authority” in the Tavistock approach.


1988- Facilitation course for adult group process, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem.


1985- Facilitation course, for groups of Jews and Arabs, Givat Haviva.


1979- Youth guidance course, Rottenburg House Haifa.



Professional Experience:

2000-2011 – Luctuerd at the educotion department on the hebrew university.


2011    _        Luctuerd at M.A program on Oranim college.


2011     _        Luctuerd at the multidisciplinary department on Tal Hai college.


2002-2008- Head of the School for Peace Research Center.


2000-2002- Director of the School for Peace, Neve Shalom/Wahat al Salam.


1990-2000- Facilitator  and staff member at the School for Peace.


1988- Facilitator of encounters for Jews and Palestinian teachers, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem.


1986-1989- Staff member of the “International Peace Center”, Tel Aviv.  Coordinator of supplementary education courses in education for democracy for Arab teachers.


1985-1989- staff member of the youth encounters at Givat Haviva .


1982-1985- Coordinator of the Perach (big brother) project for advancement of youth, at the Univ. of Haifa.


1982- 191995 head of the " gradutes amota in Daliat el Karmel"


1979-1982- Director of the Youth Department of the community center of the town Daliat al Carmel. 


Courses Taught:


Hebrew University

The Arab education system in Israel                             20002-2011     


The Jewish-Arab Conflict: Experience in light of theory   2011                                       


Basic skills in academic reading and writing                2003-2005     


Croup identity and education                                         2000-2003       


 Tel Hai college


The Jewish-Arab Conflict: Experience in light of theory      2011


Models of planned encounters between groups in conflct       2011


The Israeli school system as a reflecting and  maintaining conflicts   2011


Oranim college


The Jewish-Arab Conflict: Experience in light of theory      2011

M.A Course


Tel Aviv University


The Arab- Jewish conflict at the mirror of the theory   2001-  2006                 M.A Course 



Bet Birl college


Multicultural society or society with many cultures    2002-2005      M.A.Course  




Active Participation in Scholarly Conferences:

1- International conference; towards world without violence                    

Forum Barcelona 2004

The Presentation: Dealing with Palestinian- Israeli conflict through education.


2- International conference; Social justice and social exclusion.

September 18-21, 2000, at college of management, Rishon  Lezion.

The Presentation: Jewish-Arab co facilitation.


3- International conference; Forging regional cooperation in the Mediterranean basin.

Arles, France, 27-28 May 1999.

Chair of the panel: The Israeli Palestinian conflict.


4- International conference; from conflict to peace in the public sphere: peace education, media and discourse.

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 18-20, 2006.

The Presentation: Youth encounter in the School for Peace 2002-2003.


5- International conference; Interethnic coexistence: Education for an emerging global field.

University of Haifa, November 7-8, 1999


6- International conference; Dialogue under occupation.

Quds University Abu Dies/ Jerusalem, November 14-16, 2007.

Dialogue discourse or oppressive discourse.


   Colloquium Talks and other Invited Addresses:

I have lectured at Cambridge University, on December 13, 2002. about education under a situation of sever violence.


 I have taught a week long course, on January 2006, at Costa Rica Peace University, about relation between East and West.

Member on the academic committee of the doctoral candidate Bob Mark who is doing his dissertation on Patterns of Student Engagement and Teacher Intervention in a Jewish-Arab School, On the hebrew university.


Member on the academic committee of the doctoral candidate Sameer Kadan who is doing his dissertation on Palestinian therapists treating Jewish clients: Perceptions of training, intervention and professional identity, On the hebrew university.


Reviewer of the journal Ethos.


Reviewer of the Journal of Peace Research.


Reviewer of the Journal Ethnic and Racial Studies.







1-Halabi, R. (2011). Postcolonialism and the Jewish Arab encounter.In I, Naser; L, Birlin& S, Wong(Eds), Examining Education, Media and Dialogue under Occupation: The Case of Palestine and Israel.UK: Multilingual Matters.



2- Halabi, R. (2010). The 9th issue of Jadal : Critical Readings on Palestinian-Jewish “Dialogue”.The electronic bi-monthly of Mada al-Carmel.


3-Halabi, R.(2009). Why negotiation. Jerusalem: SFP& CCCR.(In English, Hebrew and Arabic).


4- Halabi, R. (2007) Druze identity and the Jewishstate: citizens of equal duties. Ramalah: Madar.


5- Halabi, R.(2006). Citizes of equal duties:Druze identity and the Jewish state. Tel Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad.( In Hebrew).


6-Halabi, R.(2006). " Pithon Peh" Social Politecal Journal. Jerusalem: School for Peace Research Center.(In Hebrew)


7- Halabi, R. & Zak, M. (2006). Palestinian- Jewish youth encounters at the School for Peace. Jerusalem: The School for Peace Research Center.


8-Halabi, R.(2005). Toward invetable clash. In Y. Reiter(Ed.), Delemot   ( pp. 190-198). Tel- Aviv: Schoken Publishing House.(In Hebrew).


9.Halabi, R.(2005). Pedogagy of the oppresed and the road for liberation: Paolo Freire thoughts. Jerusalem: School for Peace Research Center.(in Arabic).


10.Halabi, R.(2004). Israeli and Palestinian identities in dialouge: The School for pease approach. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.


11.  Halabi, R. & Sonneschein, N. (2004).  The Jewish-Palestinian encounter in time of crisis.  Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 373-389.


12.Halabi, R.(2004). " Pithon Peh" Social Politecal Journal. Jerusalem: School for Peace Research Center.



13.Halabi, R. (2002). Exploration, Empowerment, Confrontation and Dialogue. Panim, 20, 39 – 48.(in Hwbrew).


14.Halabi, R.(2000). Identities in Dialogue: Jewish Arab encounters.. Tel-Aviv: Hakibbutz Hameuchad. (In Hebrew).


15.Halabi, R.(1999). Impressions of a palestinian Jewish trip to Germany. Babylon ,19 , 43-49. (In  Germany).


16.  Sonnenschein, N., Halabi, R. & Friedman, A. (1998). The Israeli-Palestinian workshops: legitimation of national identity and change in power relationships. In E. Weiner (Ed), The handbook of interethnic coexistence(600-614). New York: Abraham Fund Publication.


17. Halabi, R.(1998). Working with conflict groups in the middle East: The school for peace.  In David Smock (Ed),  Private peacemaking (pp.32-41).  Washington: Institute of peace.




Unpublished papers:


Halabi, R. & Zak, M.(Accepted). What happens when the oppressed meet their oppressors: Youth encounter between Jews and Palestinians from Israel. Peace and Change Journal.


Halabi,R.(Accepted).The Faith, the Honor of Women, The Land: The Druze Women in Israel. Journal of Asian and African Studies



Halabi ,R. Horenczyk, G and Bekerman, Z.The situation isn't clear with either grandma or grandpa:The Druze in Israel. ( Sent to journal Ethnic and Racial Studies).