Prof. Mila Schwartz Ph. D – University of Haifa, Israel 2007
Areas of Interest and Specialization –
Family Language Policy, Early Bilingual Education: Models and Strategies, Language and Socio-Cultural Aspects of Arabic-Hebrew Speaking Bilingual Education, Identification of At-Risk Children and Early Intervention, Emergent Literacy within Bilingual Context, Meta-Linguistic Development
Academic Position –
Associate Professor 2015
Senior Lecturer 2008
Books –
Leikin, M., Schwartz, M. & Tobin, Y. (Eds.). (2012). Current issues in bilingualism: Complex approach to multidimensional phenomenon. Dordrecht; New York: Springer Science and Business Media B.V.
Schwartz, M., & Verschik, A. (Eds.). (2013). Successful family language policy: Parents, children and educators in interaction. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
Recent Articles in Refereed Journals (English) –
Schwartz, M. (201 3 ). Immigrant parents’ and teachers’ views on bilingual pre-school language policy. Language and Education, 27 (1), 22-43.
Schwartz, M., & Shaul, Y. (2013). Narrative development among language-minority children: The role of bilingual versus monolingual preschool education. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 26 (1), 36-51.
Ibrahim, R., Schwartz, M., Kahn-Horwitz. J., & Leikin, M. ( 2013 ). How do socio-cultural factors affect acquisition of reading in second language? Asian EFL Journal, 15 (4), 64-88.
Schwartz, M., Kahn-Horwitz, J., & Share, D. L. ( 2014 ). Orthographic learning and self-teaching in a bilingual and biliterate context. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 117, 45-58.
Schwartz, M., & Minkov, M. (2014). Inflectional morphology acquisition in the first language: An incomplete acquisition or complete non-acquisition? Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 22 (1).
Schwartz, M. (2014). The impact of 'First Language First' model on vocabulary development among preschool bilingual children. Reading and Writing, 27 (4), 709-732.
Shaul, S., & Schwartz, M. (2014). The role of the executive functions in school readiness in preschool age children. Reading and Writing, 27 (4), 749-768.
Schwartz, M., & Asli, A. (2014). Bilingual teachers' language strategies: The case of an Arabic-Hebrew kindergarten in Israel. Teaching and Teacher Education, 38, 22-32.
Schwartz, M., Nir-Sagiv, B., Leikin, M., Levie, R., & Ravid, D. ( 2014 ). Acquisition of regular and irregular inflectional morphology in Hebrew (L2) among early sequential Russian-Hebrew speaking bilinguals. Heritage Language Journal, 11 (2), 144-178.
Zaretsky, E., & Schwartz, M. (2014). Cross-linguistic transfer in reading in multilingual contexts: Recent research trends. Written Language and Literacy, 17 (1), 7-9.
Kahn-Horwitz, J., Schwartz, M., Ibrahim, R., & Kuash, S. ( 2014 ). English literacy acquisition amongst Circassian students: Challenges or benefits. Written Language and Literacy, 17 (1), 40-61.
Schwartz, M., & Savyon-Rovner, H. (in press). The acquisition of definiteness in Hebrew (L2) among bilingual preschool children (Russian-L1): A longitudinal multiple-cases study. International Journal of Bilingualism.
Schwartz, M., Minkov, M., Dieser, E., Protassova, E., Moin, V., & Polinsky, M. (in press). Acquisition of agreement in Russian by monolingual and bilingual children: A cross-linguistic investigation. International Journal of Bilingualism.