כתבי עת מדעיים ומקצועיים או פרקים בספרים
Monographs- Published
1. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari,L. (1991). The Kibbutz as an educational experiencefor Jewish young people from abroad. Israel, Haifa: The Institute for TheKibbutz Research, University of Haifa. (36 pp.). [Hebrew]. Publication Number113.
2. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L. (1991). The Kibbutz educational system and its impact on immigrationfrom Israel. Israel, Haifa: The Institute for The Kibbutz Research, Universityof Haifa. (56 pp.). [Hebrew]. Publication Number 111.
3. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L. (1991). Kibbutz born who live abroad: Reasons for their emigrationand the probability of their return to Israel. Israel, Haifa: The Institutefor the Kibbutz Research, University of Haifa. (47 pp.). [Hebrew]. PublicationNumber 107.
4. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari,L. (1992). Social absorption and Jewish identityamong young Jewish immigrants from the FSU staying in Kibbutz Ulpans. Israel,Haifa: The Institute for the Kibbutz Research, University of Haifa. (40 pp.).[Hebrew]. Publication Number 118.
5. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari,L. (1993). Ethnic identity and its crystallization– A comparison between immigrants from the FSU and tourists from the west. Israel,Haifa: The Institute for the Kibbutz Research, University of Haifa. (43 pp.).[Hebrew]. Publication Number 127.
6. Lev Ari, L. (1997).External and internal emigration among the Kibbutz born: Gender differences.Israel, Haifa: The Institute For The Kibbutz Research, Universityof Haifa. (44 pp.). [Hebrew]. Publication Number 149.
7. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L. (2000). Gender and mathematics differencesin urban, rural and Kibbutz schools in the Jewish and Arab sectors: Measure of tendencyto engage in mathematical professions in the future. Israel, Tel Aviv: MOFETInstitute. (60 pp.). [Hebrew].
8. Lev Ari, L., &Pavin, A. (2003). Social capital as a mean to overcome the crisis in the periphery.Israel: Jerusalem: The Institute For The Kibbutz Research, University of Haifa,Haifa and The Jewish Agency. (59 pp.). [Hebrew].
9. Lev Ari, L., Meltze-Geva,M., & Mittelberg, D. (2004). Satisfaction with the teacher training programat Oranim and the college’s contribution to its graduates entering the teachingprofession. Israel, Tel Aviv and Tivon: MOFET Institute and The researchand Evaluation Department, Oranim Academic Coolege of Education. (44 pp.).[Hebrew].
10. Lev Ari, L. (2006).Returning home: Research on former Israeli migrants returned to Israel. Israel,Jerusalem: Ministry of Absorption. (59 pp.). [Hebrew].
11. Lev Ari, L., &Laron, D. (2006). Culture and identity courses in Oranim: Their influence onstudent teachers regarding attitudes towards multicultural education. Israel:Tel Aviv: MOFET Institue. (34 pp.). [Hebrew].
12. Abadi, R., & Lev Ari, L. (2008). Perceptionsof leadership and social involvement, and the connection to personal characteristicsand voluntary work of students in the excellence program. Israel: Tel Aviv:MOFET Institute. (65 pp.). [Hebrew].
13. Lev Ari, L. (2008).Israeli emigrants abroad – Jewish continuity or assimilation?. Israel,Ramat Gan: Rappaport Center, Bar Ilan University. (115 pp.). [Hebrew]. Publicationnumber 17.
14. Lev Ari, L., &Getz, S. (2011). Higher education preferences: Central and peripheral regionscompared. Israel: Tel Aviv: MOFET Institute. (65 pp.). [Hebrew].
15. Lev Ari, L., Razer, M., Azoulay, N., &Adler, R. (2013). Integration of soldiers (men and women) from unique populationswho participated in special army programs, in civil life. Tivon:Oranim Academic College of Education, Research and Evaluation Authority and theEducation Corps of the IDF. (28 pp.). [Hebrew].
16. Lev Ari, L., & Hasisi-Sabek, R. (2016). Encounterwith the "Other" in higher education institutes (Jews and Arabs):Towards intercultural competence? Israel Tel Aviv: MOFET, Portal MASA. [Hebrew]. http://portal.macam.ac.il/ArticlePage.aspx?id=12728
17. Lev Ari, L. (2019). Two Jewish communities (migrantsand native-born) in three European cities: Ethnic identity, integration and acculturation.Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, Kantor Center. https://en-humanities.tau.ac.il/sites/humanities_en.tau.ac.il/files/media_server/humanities/kantor/Lilach%20Levi%20Ari%20summary%20report.pdf
D. Articles in Refereed Journals
1. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L.(1995). National and ethnic identities of Russian immigrants to Israel. InternationalJournal of Contemporary Sociology, 32 (2), 269-279.
2. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L.(1995). Jewish identity, Jewish education and experience of the Kibbutz inIsrael. Journal of Moral Education, 24 (3), 327-344. IF 1.33; SJR Q1.
3. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L.(1997). Gender differences in mathematics among Jewish and Arab youth in Israel.Mathematics Educational Research Journal, 9 (3), 347-351. SJR Q1
4. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L.(1999). Confidence in mathematics and its consequences: Gender differencesamong Israeli Jewish and Arab youth. Gender and Education, 11(1), 75-92. IF 1.482.
5. Lev Ari, L.,Mansfeld, Y., & Mittelberg, D. (2003). Globalization and the role of educationaltravel to Israel in the ethnification of American Jews. Tourism RecreationResearch, 28 (3), 15-24. IF 1.36; SJRQ2.
6. Lev Ari, L. (2005).Social and cultural absorption of Israelis in the USA-distinctions betweenOriental and Ashkenazi Jews. Pe'amim, Studies in Oriental Jewry, 101-102,221-250. [Hebrew]. V
7. Smith, K., & Lev Ari, L. (2005). Theplace of practicum in pre-service teacher education - The voice of the students.Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 33 (3), 289-302. IF 1.13; SJR Q1.
8. Lev Ari, L. (2006).Who gains, who loses? Social mobility and absorption through emigration to theUS among Israeli men and women. Social Issuses in Israel, 1 (2),3-42. [Hebrew] V.
9. Lev Ari, L., &Pavin, A. (2006). Social capital as a tool for the development of a peripheral region:The case of Beit Shean valley. Horizons in Geography, 66, 95-113.[Hebrew] V.
10. Lev Ari, L., &Laron, D. (2008). Educating for multiculturalism in teacher college – Between theoryand practice. Social Issuses in Israel, 5, 101-134. [Hebrew].
11. Lev Ari, L., &Mittelberg, D. (2008). Between authenticityand ethnicity: Heritage tourism and re-ethnification among diaspora Jewish youth.The Journal of Heritage Tourism, 3 (2),79-103. IF 1.49; SJRQ2.
12. Lev Ari, L. (2009).Borders bounderies in migration: Trans-nationalism, social networks and identityamongst Israelis living in Europe. Oranim – Interdisciplinary AcademicJournal, 2, 45-53. [Hebrew] V.
13. Lev Ari, L., &Cohen, N. (2012). Between the homeland and the diaspora: The Tzofim youth movement and ethnic identity formationamong second generation Israeli migrants in the United States. Megamot, 38(3-4), 681-708. [Hebrew] V.
14. Lev Ari, L. (2012). Does gender impact secondgeneration emigrants? Ethnic identity and identification among Israeliemigrants' offspring. Social Issuses in Israel, 14, 208-236. [Hebrew] V.
15. Lev Ari, L., &Laron, D. (2012). Ethiopian students in an academic college of education:Integration or segregation?. Hagira, 1, 128-153. [Hebrew] V.
16. Lev Ari, L. (2012). North Americans, Israelis orJews? The ethnic identity of immigrants’ offspring. Contemporary Jewry, 32(3), 285-308. IF 0.17; SJR Q1.
17. Laron, D., & Lev Ari, L. (2013). "Thereis something here which enables": Jewish graduate students and the'others' at Oranim College. Dvarim, 6, 99-116. [Hebrew] V.
18. Lev Ari, L. (2013)[1].Multiple ethnic identities among Israeli immigrants in Europe. InternationalJournal of Jewish Education Research, 5-6, 203-230. IF 0.26; SJR Q2.
19. Lev Ari, L.,& Getz, S. (2014). 'Peripheriality' and higher educational choices among undergraduatestudents. Israeli Sociology, 15 (2), 360-388. [Hebrew] V.20. Lev Ari, L., &Laron, D. (2014). Intercultural learning in graduate studies at an Israeli collegeof education: Attitudes toward multiculturalism among Jewish and Arab students.Higher Education, 68 (2), 243-262. DOI.10.1007/s10734-013-9706-9. IF 2.856.
21. Lev Ari, L.,Razer, M., Ben Yosef-Azulai, N., & Adler, R. (2016). From exclusion andrisk to inclusion and integration: Graduates of specialIDF programs back into civilian life. Mifgash: Journal of Social-EducationalWork, 24 (43), 59-85. [Hebrew] V.22. Lev Ari, L., & Mula, W. (2016). “Usand Them”: Towards intercultural competence among Jewish and Arab graduate studentsat Israeli colleges of education. Higher Education, 74 (6), 979-996. DOI: 10.1007/s10734-016-0088-7. IF 2.856.
23. Getz, S., & Lev Ari, L. (2016).'Sense of place' and college placement. Higher Education, 74,933-948. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10734-016-0086-9 IF 2.856.
24. Lev Ari, ., &Mula, W. (2017). Us and the 'Others': Inter-cultural encounters in colleges ofeducation (among Jewish and Arab graduate students). Dvarim, 10,205-224. [Hebrew] V.
25. Medzini, A. & Lev Ari, L. (2018).Can borders, walls and fences deter forced migrants? Comparison of future policytrajectories and implication in Europe and Israel. European Journal of Geography, 9(2), 81-99. IF 0.660; SJRQ3.
26. Lev Ari, L., & Cohen, N. (2018). Acculturation strategies and ethnic identityamong second-generation Israeli migrants in the United States. ContemporaryJewry, 38 (3), 345-364. DOI 10.1007/s12397-018-9258-5.IF 0.17; SJR Q1.
27. Lev Ari, L., &Hasisi-Sabeck, R. (2020). 'Getting to know 'Them' changed my opinion':Intercultural competence among Jewish and Arab graduate students. Journalof Multilingual and Multicultural Development 41(10), 844-857. ID: 1657433. DOI:10.1080/01434632.2019.1657433).ISSN 1741-7557. IF 1.566. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01434632.2019.1657433
28. Lev Ari, L. (2019). Jewish immigrants from the GreaterMiddle East to France and Belgium: Ethnic identity and patterns of integration.British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 46 (2), 274-292. IF 0.947. https://doi.org/10.1080/13530194.2019.1569305
29. Hasisi-Sabek, R., & Lev Ari, L. (2020).'At last we meet them': The contribution of graduate studies ineducation-related disciplines to the development of intercultural competence. Dapim,72, 27-54. [Hebrew] V.
E. Articles orChapters in Scientific Books (which are not Conference Proceedings)
1. Mittelberg, D., & Lev Ari, L.(1994). From Kibbutz experience to Jewish identity: Project 'Oren' evaluation research.In A. Shkedi (ed.), Cultures meet (pp. 27 – 44). Kiryat Bialik: Ach.Publications. [Hebrew].
2. Lev Ari, L. (2014).Multiple ethnic identities among Israeli immigrants in Europe. In J. Glaser, D.Mittelberg & E. Cohen (Eds.), Multiple identities in Jewish education(pp. 203 – 229). The Kelman Center for Jewish Education, Tel Aviv University,International Journal for Jewish Education Research, Bar Ilan University.
3. Lev Ari, L. (2015). Back home: Return migration, gender, and assimilation amongIsraeli emigrants. In E. Lederhendler & U. Rebhun (Eds.), Research in Jewish demography and identity (pp. 241 – 261). Brighton, MA.: Academic Studies Press.
4. Lev Ari, L., &Getz, S. (2017). Residence place – Not just home: The influence of under-graduatestudents' residence place on their choices of higher education institute. In R.Elyashiv-Arviv, Y. Feniger & Y. Shavit (Eds.), Chance for change? Theoryand research on equality of opportunities educational (pp. 156 –184). Tel Aviv: MOFET. [Hebrew].
5. Lev Ari, L.,Razer, M., Ben Yosef-Azulai, N., & Adler, R. (2017). Eitan program as anavenue for social-civilian inclusion: Gender comparison. In I. Gilat, R. Sagi& N. Ben Yosef-Azulai (Eds.), When I wear uniforms – I am a king(pp. 31 – 49). Tel Aviv: Ma'rchot and Modan. [Hebrew].
6. Lev Ari,L., & Hasisi-Sabek,R. (2019). Encounters with the Other: The developmentof intercultural competence among Jewish and Arab graduate students. In M. J.Cano-Perez, A. B. Espinosa Ramirez, M. A. Esponosa Villegas & T. M. GarciaArevalo (Eds.), Intercultural encounters in multicultural societies:Immigration, multilingualism and multiculturalism (pp. 133 – 162). Granada:Granada University Press, Collection Eirene.
7. Medzini, A., & Lev Ari, L. (2019). CanIsrael and Europe cope with forced migrants? Future policy trajectories and implications.In M. J. Cano-Perez, A. B. Espinosa Ramirez, M. A. Esponosa Villegas & T. M.Garcia Arevalo (Eds.), Intercultural encounters in multicultural societies:Immigration, multilingualism and multiculturalism (pp. 163 – 192). Granada:Granada University Press, Collection Eirene.
8. Lev Ari, L. (2020). Jews residing in threecities in France and Belgium: Patterns of ethnic identity and identification.In S. J. Gold (ed.), wandering Jews: Global Jewish migration (pp. 81 –118). USC Casden Institute, Purdue University Press. [2]
G. Entries in Encyclopedias
1. Lev Ari, L. (2015).Israelis in the United States: Ethnic identity and identification. TheWiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of race, ethnicity, and nationalism. England,Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Published Online: 30DEC 2015 DOI: 10.1002/9781118663202.wberen080 (refereed).
[1]Identicalwith paper number E. 2
[2] The book Wandering Jews has beenselected by Choice (A publication that reviews academic books.) as an OutstandingAcademic Title, 2021.