Personal Site

Keren Ilil

Dr. Ilil Keren, musician & musiceducator




Professional guitar player

Choir conductor


Music producer

Music Educator:

Early childhood music specialist

Musical development researcher

College lecturer



Mul-Gilad grade school, jordan valley, ISRAEL


Music teacher & choir conductor

jordan valley & Jezreel valley Kindergartens

1989 - present

Early childhood music specialist

Israel ministry of education

2008 - present

Facilitator for teachers training workshops

Beit Berl College

2012 - present

Lecturer in the Early Childhood Education Department

Main courses:

Music and the Developing Child

Music in the Child's Everyday Life

Music in Teaching Programs

ohalo College

2015 - 2018

Lecturer in the Early Childhood Education Department

Main courses:

Music to Enrich the Educator

Music in the Child's Everyday Life

Music and Stories

Promoting Music Education from Birth to Four

Singing with Children

oranim College

2016 - present

Lecturer in the Early Childhood Education Department

Main courses:

Music and the Developing Child

Creating, Performing & Listening: Music Center in the Kindergarten

Academic education


b.a & b. mus.ed.

Jerusalem Rubin Academy of Music and Dance, Jerusalem, 1984-1988


Buchmann-Mehta School of Music, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, 2005-2010


Bar Ilan University, 2013-2020

Conference presentations


EECERA Conference, Prague 2007

Creativity in Performance Arts, co-author –

Dr. Susan Young (University of Exeter, United Kingdom)


ISSA Conference, Budapest 2008 – Every Voice Counts


The Levinsky College of Education Conference, Israel 2012 –

Early Childhood Musical Dialogues as a Means of Music Education


Children Talk Music Seminar, Israel 2013Musical Dialogues


ISME Commission on Early Childhood Music Education (ECME),

Ede, the Netherlands 2016 – Body, Cognition and Behavior in Toddler's Instrumental Improvisations

additional experience


Graduate of the Ktan-Tone Program with Dr. Michal Hefer, on

music education from birth to age 3, Israel 2003


Completed workshop - Music Learning Theory of Edwin Gordon with Prof. Beth Bolton from the Gordon Institute for Music Learning of Temple University, Rome 2004