Personal Site

Wahrman Hillel

Director, Haredi Academic Program

Dr. Hillel Wahrman

Curriculum Vitae

January, 2016


1. Personal Data

Dr. Hillel Wahrman

Date of birth: August 3, 1967                                      
Place of birth: Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A                           
Nationality: U.S.A , Israel
Home addresses: 114 Habracha St. Pardes Hanna - Karkur, Israel.
Phone: (972–52) - 380-4042                                                    


2. Education

2007                       Ph.D

                              “Dilemmas in Imparting Political Knowledge and Understanding Within the Israeli Education System”. Supervisor: Prof. Yaacov Iram.
Curriculum and Instruction                                                                 School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

1999                       M.A. (Summa Cum Laude)
”The Portrayal of the Jewish State Concept in Israeli Civics Textbooks”. Superviser: Dr. Diana Keller.                                                                   Policy and Administration in Education
School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1995                       B.A. (Cum Laude)
Jewish History and Literature (general humanities track)
Open University

1988                       Senior Certified Teacher, (Cum Laude)

Bible Studies and Geography

                               Lifshitz Teachers' College, Jerusalem

3. Service in Higher Education


Institutions and positions:


2006-2016            Faculty, B.Ed. and M.Ed. Programs, Oranim-Academic College of Education, Kiryat-Tivon (Haifa).

2007-2016            Faculty, B.Ed. program, in The Zinman College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Wingate Institute

2001-2014            Adjunct Lecturer and researcher, The UNESCO/Burg chair in Education for Human Values Tolerance and Peace, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.

2008-2010            Lecturer For Senior Army Officers In Shalom Hartman Institute, Jerusalem.   

2006-2010            Lecturer, B.Ed. in Levinski Teachers' college, Tel Aviv.   

1999-2000            Adjunct Lecturer, Nonformal Education Division, Beit Berl Teachers’ College, Kfar Saba.

1997                      Adjunct Lecturer, Program for overseas students, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1994-1996            Research Assistant, Integration of Immigrant Children in Israeli Schools (Project YES) headed Dr. Rita Sever, School of Education, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

4. Academic activity

Papers Presented at Academic Conferences


2003   The Phenomenon of Teaching Vaguely in Israel’s Civic Education. Educating Towards a Culture of Peace International Conference, Ramat Gan, Israel.

2004   The Subtle Silencing of Conflict in Israeli Civic Education – Is that Good or Bad? Peace Education Conference, IPCRI, Anatalya,.

2006   Teaching the Jewish-democratic debate in Israeli schools – how to make complexities clear. Peace Education Conference, Anatalya

2007   Israeli Civic education. Fulbright-Hays seminar, Bar-Ilan Univeristy  

2007   On the Liberal - non conservative and non radical - Ideological messages of Israel's civic textbook. The conference on Myth, Language & Memory Shaping Israeli Consciousness,  Oranim (Hebrew - "Mitus, shafa vezikaron beituv htodaa beyisrael")

2007   "talking politics"  - introducing the political terminology choices in Israel's main civic textbook. Levinsky, Teacher College opening conference.

2008   What can Scholars of Conflict and conflict Management and policy makers teach One another?(Roundtable)The " Intercivilizational Conflict – Can It Be Moderated? An international Workshop", Bar Ilan Univeristy. 

2010   Peace education in the galleel at the Oranin teacher college, February, 2010

2011   Developing Criteria for Evaluating the Education of Political Understanding. The 12-th Annual Scientific conference at Oranim, Research, Study and Artistic creativity at Oranim, January, 2011.

2013   Hillel Wahrman and Sima Zach. A case study of conceptual gaps amongst the staff of a small scale educational project. The 14-th Annual Scientific conference at Oranim, Research, Study and Artistic creativity at Oranim, January, 2013.

2013   Hillel Wahrman and Sima Zach. Tower of Babylon – A case study of conceptual gaps amongst the staff of an educational project. Presented at the 17th IAPESGW Congress, Cuba, April 10-13.

2014   The Hidden curriculum of Israeli civics Textbook. At the 13th annual conference of the Israeli Forum for law and society, Netanya Academic College. 17-18.1.2014  

2014 The hidden patterns in Israel's most influential civic textbook – discussing how politics can and should be taught in high-school. At the Theodor Herzl Seminar, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2-6.2.2014    

2014 Constructing Civic Knowledge – What Can We Learn From The Case of Israel. The AERA International conference, Philadelphia, April 2-7, 2014.

2014   The Hidden constructions in Israel's civics textbook. Teaching citizenship, civic and political education Symposium of the department for citizenship at Oranim  - Academic College of Education, 24.4.2014

2014   Hidden patterns in Teaching Civics. A colloquium presentation at The Zinman College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Wingate Institute, 27.5.2014

2014   Presenting the Book An optimistic outlook: A subjective historical view from an objective standpoint/ Dr. Udi Manor,  Oranim  - Academic Teacher College 4.12.2014 

2015               The Complexity of Integration Qualities in Ethnically Mixed Educational Projects: An Emic Examination of Arab Women Volunteers in an Israeli Civic Service Project. At "Not in My Back Yard: Inter-cultural Inclusion in Educational Systems and in the Society", 7-8 Jan, 2015, Beit Berl & Oranim  - Academic Teacher College.  

2015   Introducing the book "Citizenship In-between the Lines: A Critical  Look at Civics Studies in Israel",  The 16-th Annual Scientific conference at Oranim, Research, Study and Artistic creativity at Oranim, January, 16.2.2015.

2015 Philosophy as an Eye Opener:  Why Should we Devote Time and Effort to philosophize? At the On blindness" Conference, 23.3.2015, Oranim, Academic College of Education.

2015   The Role of the Socratic Method in Teaching civics. The Conference on Meaningful teaching, 30.3.2015, brancoweiss Institute, Kfar Hammacabia, Israel

2016   The Relation of Intuition and Systematic thinking in Philosophy and Science Vs. mathematics (with Prof. Yair Karo). The Annual opening conference of the Advanced Studies Faculty 14.3.2016, at Oranim, Academic College of Education.

Teaching Experience


Course title                                                                                                      Degree level


I Introductory courses in the field of Education

An Introduction to Philosophy of Education                                                 B.A & B.ed

An Introduction to Sociology of Education                                                   B.A & B.ed

An Introduction to Curriculum design                                                           B.ed & M.ed

Non formal Education in the formal setting of State Schools                        B.ed

Qualitative Methodology of Educational Research                                       B.ed & M.ed

Management of Non Formal Education                                                         M.ed 

Critical Thinking                                                                                             M.ed

II Civic Education –combining philosophical/ sociological and curriculum  perspectives 

A Workshop in Democracy and Stereotyping                                                B.ed

Critical Analysis of Israeli Civic Education                                                   B.ed

Teaching Politics in Schools: Theories and Challenges                                  B.ed & M.ed

Ideological biases in school textbooks – Theory and Controversy                 B.ed & M.ed

Peace Education – seminar                                                                             B.ed & M.ed

Conflicting Visions for the State of Israel                                                      B.A

Zionism and secular Identity in Israeli Today                                                Senior Officer Training


Supervision of MEd theses (Oranim  - Academic College of Education).

2015    Levi Orit "Parents involvement in School: A Multidisciplinary Approach"

2015    Gutman Yaacov "Offering a Non-formal Jewish-Arab Co-existence Program in the Formal Settings of Schools". 

2014    Nagar Victoria "The Women Holiday: Women Telling about their Rosh-Chodesh gathering and the Meaning they find in them".

2014    Rachal Firoz "How to Bedouin leaders in Northern Israel Conceive Leisure activities?"

2013    Orit Viner "How do In-formal Education Events effect Jewish-Arab Elementary School Pupils Relations?"

2012    Jara Jamal "Dual Language (Arabic/Hebrew) Schools  - How do They Contribute and Hinder Co-Existence".

2011    Maayan Shtengel " Jewish High school Students Conceptions of the State Memorial Ceremony"

2010    Yael Friedman "Stages in a School Curriculum: The Modern state".






Wahrman, H (2013) Citizenship Between the lines: A critical look at civics studies in Israel. Resling: Tel - Aviv (Hebrew)




Wahrman, H (2004) The Subtle Silencing of Conflicts in Civics Textbooks: The Case of the Jewish State Topic in Israeli Civics Textbooks. International Textbook Research 26: 289-311

Wahrman, H (2014) The Importance of the Socratic Method for Teaching Civics (Heb). Dvarim, 181-202.

Wahrman, H (2015) A Fox in Oranim. Hillel Wahrman on Udi Manor's Book: An Optimistic Worldview - An Historical Objective perspective (Heb). Dvarim, 326-330.

Wahrman, H (2016 – in print) A critique of the book: Practices of Differences in Israeli Education: A View from Below (Editors: Yonah, Y, Mizrachi, N & Fengiger, Y). The Public Sphere (The Department of Political science, Tel-Aviv University).

Wahrman, H and Sima Zach (in review) Young Arab Women as Israeli Civic-Service facilitators: A Qualitative interpretation of a Complex Experience.


Chapter in books


Wahrman, H (2003) Is Silencing Conflicts a Peace Education Strategy? The Case of the ‘Jewish State’ Topic in Israeli Civics Textbooks.  In: Iram, Y, Editor, Wahrman, H. Assistant Editor. “Education of Minorities and Peace Education in Pluralistic Societies”. Praeger: London.

Zach, S., & Wahrman, H. (2014). Civic service of Arab young women: The case of "Mifalot". In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21st century.  Urbana, IL:  Sagamore Publishing.

Wahrman, H (2016  - forthcoming) Conceptions of Civic Education among Social Education teachers in Israel. (In "Civic Education in Israel", publisher not yet determined). Van Leer




Iram, Y, (Editor), Wahrman, H (assistant editor) (2003). Education of Minorities and Peace Education in Pluralistic Societies. Praeger: London

Iram, Y (Editor), Wahrman, H and Gross, Z (Associate Editors) (2006) Educating towards a Culture of Peace. Information Age Publishing: Greenwich.




Wahrman, H (1999) M.A Dissertation:” The Portrayal of the Jewish State Concept in Israeli Civics Textbooks” Superviser: Dr. Diana Keller, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Wahrman, H. (2007) Ph.D. dissertation. Dilemmas in Imparting Political Knowledge and Understanding within the Israeli Education System. Supervisor: Prof. Yaacov Iram.





5. Awards and Fellowships


































Oranim Research grant



Oranim Research grant



Mofet Research grant



Oranim research grant for publishing a book of an original academic research.



The UNESCO/Burg chair in Education for Human Values Tolerance and Peace, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University. A grant for publishing a book of an original academic research



President's PhD stipend program for outstanding students.
Bar- Ilan University



Excellence of seminar paper in the School of Education, Hebrew University



Excellence of seminar paper in the School of Education, Hebrew University


Lubin Fund

6. Additional Professional Involvement

Academic lectures in popular settings

2013   The universal ideological differences between left and right. Part of the "Lecturer on the Bar" program, at Auto Bar, Bitan Aharron, 21.1.2013.

2014  Aldus Huxley and his book "Doors of perception". Part of the "Lecturer on the Bar" program, at Auto Bar, Bitan Aharron, 25.2.2014.

2014 Two contradicting philosophical perceptions of drugs in the counterculture of the 60's, at Barbarusa Bar, Ramat Yishay, 12.11.2014 

Training Policymakers and Educators in the field of Civic education

1999                       Guest lecturer, The Israel Army Command and Staff Center for Senior officers (PUM): Basic concepts regarding the conflict over the character of the State of Israel.

1994-2000              Senior Lecturer, Shorashim Institute, Jerusalem, lecturing officers of the Israel Army on The civic and political structure of Israel

1992-1999              Program designer and facilitator in informal educational settings such as Jewish Agency for youth camps and among students from the former USSR. Melitz for youth and school principals. Gesher for dialogue meetings between religious and secular groups

1994-1998              Lecturer at the Nachshon Pre-military Preparation Course on issues of leadership, current events, Israeli society, secular Jewish identity and Zionism.



Membership in research groups, programs and committees



2006 - 2012            Member, Israeli Civic Education Research Group, Van-Leer Institute, Jerusalem

2001–2007             Associate Editor in The UNESCO/Burg chair in Education for Human Values Tolerance and Peace, School of Education, Bar-Ilan University

2007                       Academic coordinator of the Fulbright Summer seminar in Israel, Bar-Ilan University, Israel.

2006                       Member, Steering Committee of the International 2006 Peace Education Conference, IPCRI, Jerusalem. 

2003–2005             Academic coordinator of the International Conference on Educating Towards a Culture of Peace, Bar-Ilan University

2000                       Educational Program Designer and Facilitator, Rabin Center, Tel-aviv

1997-1998              Civic Education researcher at The Shalem Center think tank, Jerusalem.

1992                       NCO and Teaching Officer in the Education Corps, Israel Defense Forces: Staff officer for History and Civics (corresponding to position of Supervisor in the civilian education system).

1990-1991              CO of Teaching Officers' Course. Training cadets to become instructors of teacher, in the Education Corp.

Public Involvement


2011-2013              Member of a local Pardes-Hanna initiative to create a new community centered around a Liberal egalitarian synagogue affiliated with the Masoraty (Conservative) movement.

2011                       Observer in meetings of various committees of the Pardes –Hanna Municipality as part of a local effort to involve citizens in their public affaires and empower citizens – with a focus on public education.

2011                       Leading role in the local Grassroots social activism group in Pardes- Hanna during the social protest events of Summer 2011. Organizing educative lectures to the public on local and state civic/economic issues and supporting various activism initiatives throughout the year.

2010                       Opening session of the committee of Druz trustees in Shfraam 12.3.10 discussing models of minority self help and non violent political activism.

2009                       Facilitator in the December 2009 gathering of Israel's Leaders of religion in the Druz tomb of Nebi Shueib, Tiberius, held by the Israeli ministry of religion and attended by prominent Figures of all major  religions in Israel.   

2002–2004             Member of the Educational Committee in the National Responsibility Forum (haforum le-achrayut leumit) Rabin Center headed by Herzel Boudinger. Co-author of the ELA report on the state of Education.

1993-1996              Instructor of five youth winter/summer camps in the former USSR, organized by the Jewish agency for Jewish students.


מרחב אישי

בהוראה ובמחקר אני מנסה לברר כיצד הכשרה תיאורטית מקנה לסטודנטים את היכולת להבחין בתופעות סמויות מתחום החינוך. התמחות יתר כובלת את העוסק בהוראה לתיאוריות ותופעות מסוג אחד וחוסמת חשיפה למורכבות התהליכים המתרחשים בפועל. אני מבקש לקדם הוראה רב תחומית ומורכבת - כזו המציידת את פרח ההוראה בכלים שמקורם בפילוסופיה, סוציולוגיה, תכנון ופסיכולוגיה גם יחד. אני מבקש לקדם במכללות חינוך ליברלי המדגיש את תרומת מדעי הרוח ליצירת חשיבה ביקורתית ופנורמית של המעשה החינוכי, כמו גם היבטים של חינוך בלתי פורמלי. 

אתר אינטרנט