Areas of Interest and Specialization
Teachers'Career Decision Making Processes, Teachers' Careers, Qualitative Research Methods,Curriculum, Educational Evaluation, Teachers' Professional Development, Project-BasedLearning, Impression Management
Academic Position
Articles inRefereed Journals
Yinon,H., & Orland-Barak, L. (submitted). Commitment to the calling: Careerdecision-making processes of teachers with a calling orientation.
Orland-Barak, L., & Yinon,H. (2007). When theory meets practice: What student teachers learn from guidedreflection on their own classroom discourse. Teaching and Teacher Education,23 (6), 957-969.
Orland-Barak, L., & Yinon,H. (2005a). Sometimes a noviceand sometimes an expert: Mentors’professional expertise as revealed through their stories of critical incidents.Oxford Review of Education, 31 (4), 557-578.