Dr. Gail Suskin
Manof. D.N. Misgav 20184
04 – 9998424 052-3900653
Date of birth 03.10.1963
2007-The Oranim Academic College of Education.
2012-2018Advisor for creative arts ineducation: Oranim AcademicCollege of Education.
2018:Head of Creative Arts in Education Specialty: Faculty of Education
Lecturer ofthe following courses:
·Creative movement for early childhood education
·Creative movement for teacher certification
·Seminar for 4th year early childhoodeducation
·Creative movement for Special Education
·Pedagogic start-up: Course for student honors program
2000– 2015: Supervisor of creative arts therapies: Ministry of Education
Individualand group supervision with teachers and therapists in special educationframeworks throughout the country.
1997-The Haifa Centre for Ch.i.ld.
Dance/movementtherapist in the Snoezelen room with various population groups: P.T.S.D., Diadtherapy, developmental disabilities, social &emotional difficulties. Supervisionfor the staff.
2004-Lecturer in the course for Snoezelen training – Beit Issie Shapiro.
Seniorlecturer in training courses of therapist in Snoezelen room. Lectures includesubjects such as “The Emotion behind Movement”, Supervision and Case Presentationand Diad Therapy.
2017:14th European Arts Therapies Conference: Traditions in Transitions.Poland. Short Term CulturallySensitive Dance/Movement Therapy Groups: A case study of Israeli Ultra-OrthodoxWomen.
2017:The Israeli Expressive Therapists Association Annual Conference. Israel. Short Term, Culturally sensitive, Protocol basedNon-clinical Dance/Movement Therapy groups
2009: “Mind, Therapy & Creativity. Haifa University. Israel. Dance/movement therapy in the snoezelen room withineducational frameworks
2009:Worldwide Snoezelen. Holland. Ipresented my work with children with A.D.H.D.
2008:6th International Snoezelen Conference. Nieuwied, Germany: Mirror to the World.I presented my work with clients sufferingfrom P.T.S.D.
2008:The Israeli Expressive Therapists Association Annual Conference: The seculartherapist within Ultra Orthodox frameworks.
2004: The First International Snoezelen Conference.Israel. Ipresented my work with clients suffering from P.T.S.D.
Suskin, G. & Karnieli, M. (2015). "Theembarrassment of the body" Non Ultra-Orthodox dance/movement therapistswithin the Ultra-Orthodox Sector. (Hebrew) Dvarim, vol 8.
2012-2018: Phd.: Interdisciplinary Studies Unit;Gender Studies Program, Bar Ilan University: Body Perception, PsychologicalSelf-Perception and Dance Movement Therapy Groups among Haredi Women: ACulturally Sensitive Approach. (Written In English)
2005-2007: M.A.:Women’s studies and Creative Arts. Lesley University.
1989-1992:University of Haifa: Dance Movement Therapy
1987-1989: B.A.Psychology UNISA. South Africa
1982-1985:University of the Witwatersrand. High School Teaching Diploma.
Languages: English, Hebrew.