Personal Site

Dubiner Deborah




Dr. Deborah Dubiner

Ph. D – Carnegie Mellon University, USA, 2008.




Areas of Interest and Specialization


                   Multilingualism and Identity

                   Linguistic Landscapes

                   Heritage Language Maintenance

Second Language Acquisition and Teaching:


                   Oral Fluency


Academic Position  



Articles in Refereed Journals

Dubiner, D., Deeb, I., & Schwartz, M.(forthcoming, 2018). “We are creating a reality”: Teacher agency in earlybilingual education. Language, Culture and Curriculum, Special Issue


Zeevi, I. & Dubiner, D. (forthcoming,Summer 2017). Together we say thank you to the soldiers: Addressers andaddressees in outdoor signage during Operation Protective Edge. Kesher, 50.

Dubiner, D. (2017). Using vocabulary notebooks for vocabulary acquisition and teaching. ELT Journal, 71(4), 1-11.

Zeevi, I. &  Dubiner, D. (2016). Outdoor signage as a trait in the linguistic landscape during Operation Protective Edge. Linguistic Landscape: An International Journal, 2(1), 80-103.


Dubiner, D. (2010). The impact of  incipient trilinguality on the socio-affective development of Jewish elementary school children in Israel. The Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 31(1), 1-12.


Other Publications (English)

Dubiner, D. (2016). Review: Successful family language policies by Mila Schwartz Dvarim. Oranim Academic College of Education.

Tucker, G.R., & Dubiner, D. (2008) . Concluding thoughts:  Does the immersion pathway lead to multilingualism? In T. Fortune & D. Tedick (eds.), Pathways to multilingualism:  Evolving  perspectives on immersion.  Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Dubiner, D.,  Freed, B.F.,  & Segalowitz, N. (2006).  Native speakers’ perceptions of fluency acquired by study abroad students and their implications for the classroom at home.  In S.  Wilkinson (ed.), Insights from study abroad for language programs.  Boston, MA: Thomson and Heinle.


Other Publications (Hebrew)

Dubiner, D. (2012). The necessary conditions needed for successful second learning acquisition and teaching. A review for the Initiative for Applied Education Research, The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities of the Ministry of Education.