Personal Site

Ibrahim Camelia









Curriculum Vita


Camelia Ibrahim




Personal Information

Address: Klil Hahoresh st. 21/26 Nazareth Illit , 17098, Israel

      Cell. : 972- 543041165




2014- Present Ph.D. Candidate in Gender studies, Bar Ilan University

2017  M.A. in Gender studies, Bar Ilan University

2008  M.A. in Educational Consulting, Oranim Academic College of Education

2002  Teaching license, Beit Berl College

1992  B.A. in Educational Consulting and Arabic Language and Literature, Haifa University



2011  Training for supervision instructors in Educational Consulting

2004  Major in Instrumental Enrichment Education



Academic teaching experience

2014- present: Graduate studies in educational counseling, Oranim Academic College of Education

2015- present: Social and Academic counsellor for Arab students at Oranim Academic College

2012-2016:  Academic assistant for Dr. Hanni Ram- Counseling for adolescents at risk and marginalization, Graduate studies at Oranim Academic College of Education

2012-2015:  Academic assistant for Prof. Marwan Dwairy- Culturally sensitive counseling, Graduate studies at Oranim Academic College of Education

2011-2016: Supervision instructor for educational consultants

2013-present:  Practicum instructor for M.A. students of Educational Consulting at Oranim Academic College of Education

2005-2016: Educational consultant and teacher of cognitive development at Mar Elias High School in Ibillin

2010-2016: Treatment Team Coordinator at Mar Elias school

1993-2015: Educational consultant and teacher of cognitive development at the Baptist School in Nazareth

1991-1992: Substitute Educational Consultant at the B’ Junior High School in Nazareth

1991-1992: Perach tutorial program Coordinator


Throughout the years, I have participated in numerous training programs for teachers and educators in the following fields: personal development, teacher-student dialogue, expanding the range of accepting the other.






Courses Taught in Recent Years


2014- present      

Graduate studies, Oranim Academic College, Israel


*Practicum instructor for M.A. students of Guidance  Consulting at Oranim Academic College of Education

*Self and other theories from a gender and culture perspective

*Integrating counselors at  school life

*Dialogue between school  and parents of at risk and marginalized students


 2016- present

Professional retraining and development faculty, Oranim Academic college, Israel

* Developing self and professional identity  workshop

2015- present

B.A. degrees Oranim Academic college, Israel




*Academic literacy for Arab Students

2015- present

Oranim Academic college, Israel

Cultural and social integration workshop for the  First year Arab students



Research studies and lectures presented at scientific conferences



Name or Subject of the Conference

Organizing Institute


October, 20-22, 2016

The 14th International-Arab Conference of Psychiatry: How Arab women faces Patriarchal and authoritarian values and how they preserve their mental health

International Association of Psychiatry, and The Arab Association of Psychiatry

Amman- Jordan

July 15-19, 2014

The 22nd Congress of International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology: When Arab girls break the roles

 Department of Psychology, University of Reims

Reims, France







Lectures at Academic and Professional Conferences in Israel


February 6, 2016

The 3rd Scientific Conference of Psychology and Mental Health in the Arab Society: Identification with the oppressor among Arab males and females

Scotch Hospital and the Arab league of psychologists

Scotch Hospital of Nazareth, Israel


April 28, 2015

Imagination as reality:

The role of imagination in creating the  preferred story according to narrative therapy

Oranim Academic College

Oranim, Israel

February 16, 2015

 After marriage women's  surname as a tool for  bargaining with Patriarchy 




Oranim Academic College

Oranim, Israel


Excellent M.A. Achievement Ceremony: Risk Taking behaviors among Arab females adolescents

Oranim Academic College of Education

Oranim, Israel




Articles in Refereed Journals and books

* Ibrahim, C., & Dwairy, M. (2016). Identification of Arab males and females with oppressive patriarchal practices, The Arab Journal of Psychiatry, 27(2). 105-116.



   Articles in conferences books

* Ibrahim- Nassar, C. (2016). When Arab girls break the rules: A qualitative study. In C. Roland-Levy, P. Denoux, B. Voyer, P. Boski & W.K. Gabrenya Jr (Eds.), Unity, diversity and culture: Research and scholarship selected from the 22nd  Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (ebook), 136-1. or  ISBN978-0-9845627-5-6 0-9845627-5-3



Arabic: Mother tongue.

Hebrew: Writing and speaking.

English: Writing and speaking.