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Oettinger Ayelet

Chair, Department of Literature and Creative Arts

AyeletOettinger is a senior lecturer in Hebrew Literature at theOranim Academic College of Education (Israel) and head of the Department of Literature and Creative Writing. Her research interests centeron medieval Hebrew literature including Piyyut (liturgical poetry), Jewish folklore, and especially the Hebrew Maqama and medieval rhymed prose genre. Her recent research focuses on the role of Maqama literaturein the reception and diffusion of philosophy in medieval Jewish culture interms of its content, didactic methods and the ways these goals were achieved.

Ayelet’s recent publications on the Maqama genre deal with the book of The King’s Son and the Ascetic: Didactic Strategies for Effective Learning in ‘The King's Son and the Ascetic’ by Ibn Hasdai”, FranfurterJudaistische Beitr?ge (forthcoming); ‘”I removed the garment of her captivity and adorned her with a nose ring and ornament”: The Art ofTranslation in The King's Son and the Ascetic by Ibn Hasdai”, in: Bibring Tovi& Refael-Vivante Revital (Eds.), “And Wisdom Shall Flow from the Wise”: Wisdom and Morals in Medieval Literature (Jerusalem: Misgav Yerushalayim. forthcoming); “Translator, redactor and writer – on Ibn Hasdai’s work in creating the book of ‘The King's Son and the Ascetic’” [Hebrew]. Ben'Ever la- 'Arav. 11, 2020.