Name: Alon Silberbush Date: July 2018
1.Personal Details
Permanent Home Address: Kibutz Bror Hail
Office Telephone Number: +972-4-9838909
Cellular Phone: +972-50-9216717
Email Address:;
- Higher Education
a. Undergraduateand Graduate Studies
Degree | Name of Institution and Department | Period of Study |
BSc | Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences | 1997-2000 |
M.Sc | Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences | 2002-2004 |
PhD. | Haifa University, Evolutionary Ecology | 2004-2009 |
b. Post-Doctoral Studies
Name of Host | Name of Institution and Department/Lab | Period of Study |
Yoel Margalith | Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences/ Center for Biological Control | 2010-2011 |
William Resetarits | Texas Tech University, Department of Biological Sciences | 2011-2013 |
Zvika Abramsky | Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences/ Center for Biological Control | 2014-2016 |
3.Academic Ranks andTenure in Institutes of Higher Education
Rank/Position | Name of Institution and Department | Years |
Lecturer | University of Haifa – Oranim. Department of Biology and the Environment, | 2016-present |
Notes: * represents activities and publications sincelast appointment/promotion.
** represents activities andpublications since tenure was granted (in case of separate procedure)
4. Scholarships, Awards and Prizes
2015 Pratt foundation scholarship- Ben Gurion University
a.Courses Taught in Recent Years
לחיצה על כפתור Tab – תוסיף שורות לטבלה.
Number of Students | Level | Type of Course Lecture/Seminar/ Workshop/ Online Course/ Introduction Course (Mandatory) | Name of Course | Years |
~35 | | Introduction course | Ecology | 2014-2015 |
8 | | Lecture | Chemical ecology | 2016-2017 |
~5 | | Lecture/workshop | Habitat selection | 2017-2018 |
~20 | | Workshop | Experimental ecology | 2017-2018 |
8 | | Lecture/workshop | Population ecology | 2018 |
5 | | Seminar | Invasive species | 2018 |
- Miscellaneous
A. Ph.D.Dissertation
Title: Predator-released kairomones affecting mosquito oviposition habitatselection.
Date of submission: July 2010
Number of pages: 68
Language: English
Name of supervisor: Leon Blaustein
University: HaifaUniversity, Israel
Publications: (D2-D4).
I.F. = ImpactFactor (
V = Vatat List (The Council for HigherEducation) למקרים שאין מדדים אחרים
R = Ranking (
Q= Quartile
# = Student
B.Scientific Books(Refereed)
Authored Books - Published
Authored Books - Accepted for Publication
ישלמספר הפריטים ש"התקבלו" במספור המשך לתת סעיף "פורסמו" ולצייןמספר עמודים משוער.
Edited Books and SpecialJournal Issues- Published
Edited Books and SpecialJournal Issues- Accepted for Publication
C. Monographs
Acceptedfor Publication
D. Articlesin Refereed Journals
1)Silberbush, A. Blaustein Land Margalit Y. 2005. Influence of salinity concentration on insect communitystructure: a mesocosm experiment in the Dead Sea Basin Region. Hydrobiologia548 1-10. IF 0.978; Rank 31/106- marine and freshwater biology; Q2.
2)Silberbush A and BlausteinL. 2008. Oviposition habitat selection by a mosquito in response to a predator:are predator-released kairomones air-borne cues? Journal of Vector Ecology 33208-211. IF 1.173; Rank 37/96- Entomology; Q2.
3)SilberbushA, Markman S, Lewinsohn E, Bar E, Cohen J E and Blaustein L.2010. Predator-released hydrocarbons repel oviposition by a mosquito. EcologyLetters 13 1129-1138. (Listed in Facultyof 1000). IF 10.989; Rank 4/158- Ecology; Q1.
4)Silberbush A and BlausteinL. 2011. Mosquito female quantify risk of predation to their progeny whenselecting an oviposition site. Functional Ecology. 25 1091-1095. IF 4.746;Rank 14/158- Ecology; Q1.
5)Warburg A, Faiman R, Shtern A,Silberbush A, Markman S, Cohen J E and Blaustein L. 2011. Ovipositionhabitat selection by Anopheles gambiae in response to chemical cues by Notonectamaculata. Journal of Vector Ecology. 36 421-425. IF 1.022; Rank 37/96-Entomology; Q2.
6)Tsurim I, Silberbush A,Ovadia O, Blaustein L and Margalith Y. 2013. Inter- and intra-specificdensity-dependent effects on development strategies of larval mosquitoes. PloS ONE 8 e57875. IF 4.005; Rank 15/64-Multidisciplinary sciences; Q1.
7)Silberbush A, Menon M, Olson M and Resetarits W J Jr.2014. Culex pipiens-quinquefasciatus hybrids identified in west Texas.Journal of Vector Ecology 39 222-223. IF 1.391; Rank 37/96- Entomology; Q2.
8)Silberbush A, Tsurim I,Rozen R, Ovadia O and Margalith Y. 2014. Species-specificnon-physical interference competition among mosquito larvae. PloS ONE 9 e88650. IF 3.736; Rank 15/64-Multidisciplinary sciences; Q1.
9)Silberbush A, Tsurim I, Margalith Y andBlaustein L. 2014. Interactive effects of salinity and apredator on mosquito oviposition and larval performance. Oecologia 175 575-575.IF3.347; Rank 45/158- Ecology; Q2.
12) Resetarits W J Jr and Silberbush A. 2016. Local contagion and regional compression: habitatselection drives spatially explicit, multi-scale dynamics of colonization inexperimental metacommunities. Ecology Letters. 19 191-200. IF 9.505; Rank 4/158- Ecology; Q1.
13)Tsurim, I. andSilberbush A. 2016 Detrivory, competition, and apparent predation by Culiseta longiareolata in a temporary pool ecosystem. Israel Journal of Ecology andEvolution. 62 138-142. IF 0.483; Rank 123/158- Ecology; Q4.
14)Silberbush A. and Resetarits W J Jr. 2017, Mosquito female response to the presence of larvivorous fish does notmatch threat to larvae. Ecological Entomology. 42 595-600. IF 2.244; Rank11/96- Entomology; Q1.
Acceptedfor Publication
E. Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books(Refereed)
Eveland, L. L.,Bohenek, J., Silberbush, A. and Resetarits, W. J. Jr. 2016. Detection ofFish and Newt kairomones by ovipositing mosquitoes. In: Schulte, B. A., Goodwin T.E. andFerkin M.H. (Editors). Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13. Springer pub, pp247-259.