Personal Site

Silberbush Alon


Name: Alon Silberbush                                                 Date: July 2018





1.Personal Details


Permanent Home Address: Kibutz Bror Hail


Office Telephone Number: +972-4-9838909


Cellular Phone: +972-50-9216717


Email Address:;



  1. Higher Education


a.      Undergraduateand Graduate Studies




Name of Institution

and Department

Period of Study


Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences





Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences





Haifa University, Evolutionary Ecology







b.  Post-Doctoral Studies



Name of Host

Name of Institution and Department/Lab

Period of Study


Yoel Margalith





Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences/ Center for Biological Control









William Resetarits


Texas Tech University, Department of Biological Sciences



Zvika Abramsky

Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Department of Life Sciences/ Center for Biological Control


3.Academic Ranks andTenure in Institutes of Higher Education






Name of Institution and Department



University of Haifa – Oranim. Department of Biology and the Environment,




Notes: *   represents activities and publications sincelast appointment/promotion.  

            ** represents activities andpublications since tenure was granted (in case of                              separate procedure)          






4. Scholarships, Awards and Prizes


2015 Pratt foundation scholarship- Ben Gurion University
















a.Courses Taught in Recent Years


    לחיצה על כפתור Tab – תוסיף שורות לטבלה.

Number of Students



Type of Course


Workshop/ Online Course/ Introduction Course (Mandatory)

Name of Course




Introduction course






Chemical ecology





Habitat selection





Experimental ecology





Population ecology





Invasive species



  1. Miscellaneous





A. Ph.D.Dissertation

Title: Predator-released kairomones affecting mosquito oviposition habitatselection.

Date of submission: July 2010

Number of pages: 68

Language: English

Name of supervisor: Leon Blaustein

University: HaifaUniversity, Israel

Publications: (D2-D4).



I.F. = ImpactFactor (

V =    Vatat List (The Council for HigherEducation) למקרים שאין מדדים אחרים

R =    Ranking (

Q=      Quartile

# =     Student




B.Scientific Books(Refereed)




          Authored Books - Published


Authored Books - Accepted for Publication


ישלמספר הפריטים ש"התקבלו" במספור המשך לתת סעיף "פורסמו" ולצייןמספר עמודים משוער.





Edited Books and SpecialJournal Issues- Published



Edited Books and SpecialJournal Issues- Accepted for Publication




C.   Monographs




Acceptedfor Publication


D.  Articlesin Refereed Journals


1)Silberbush, A. Blaustein Land Margalit Y. 2005. Influence of salinity concentration on insect communitystructure: a mesocosm experiment in the Dead Sea Basin Region. Hydrobiologia548 1-10. IF 0.978; Rank 31/106- marine and freshwater biology; Q2.

2)Silberbush A and BlausteinL. 2008. Oviposition habitat selection by a mosquito in response to a predator:are predator-released kairomones air-borne cues? Journal of Vector Ecology 33208-211. IF 1.173; Rank 37/96- Entomology; Q2.

3)SilberbushA, Markman S, Lewinsohn E, Bar E, Cohen J E and Blaustein L.2010. Predator-released hydrocarbons repel oviposition by a mosquito. EcologyLetters 13 1129-1138. (Listed in Facultyof 1000). IF 10.989; Rank 4/158- Ecology; Q1.

4)Silberbush A and BlausteinL. 2011. Mosquito female quantify risk of predation to their progeny whenselecting an oviposition site. Functional Ecology. 25 1091-1095. IF 4.746;Rank 14/158- Ecology; Q1.

5)Warburg A, Faiman R, Shtern A,Silberbush A, Markman S, Cohen J E and Blaustein L. 2011. Ovipositionhabitat selection by Anopheles gambiae in response to chemical cues by Notonectamaculata. Journal of Vector Ecology. 36 421-425. IF 1.022; Rank 37/96-Entomology; Q2.

6)Tsurim I, Silberbush A,Ovadia O, Blaustein L and Margalith Y. 2013. Inter- and intra-specificdensity-dependent effects on development strategies of larval mosquitoes. PloS ONE 8 e57875. IF 4.005; Rank 15/64-Multidisciplinary sciences; Q1.

7)Silberbush A, Menon M, Olson M and Resetarits W J Jr.2014. Culex pipiens-quinquefasciatus hybrids identified in west Texas.Journal of Vector Ecology 39 222-223. IF 1.391; Rank 37/96- Entomology; Q2.

8)Silberbush A, Tsurim I,Rozen R, Ovadia O and Margalith Y. 2014. Species-specificnon-physical interference competition among mosquito larvae. PloS ONE 9 e88650. IF 3.736; Rank 15/64-Multidisciplinary sciences; Q1.

9)Silberbush A, Tsurim I, Margalith Y andBlaustein L. 2014. Interactive effects of salinity and apredator on mosquito oviposition and larval performance. Oecologia 175 575-575.IF3.347; Rank 45/158- Ecology; Q2.

10)  Silberbush A, Abramsky Z andTsurim I. 2015 Effects of fish cues on mosquito larvaedevelopment. ACTA Tropica 150 196-199. IF 2.569; Rank 16/37- Parasitology;Q2.

11)  Silberbush A, Abramsky Z andTsurim I. 2015 Apotential effect of dissolved oxygen on the survival and development of larvalmosquitoes. Journal of Vector Ecology 40 425-427. IF 1.282; Rank 37/96- Entomology;Q2.

12)  Resetarits W J Jr and Silberbush A. 2016. Local contagion and regional compression: habitatselection drives spatially explicit, multi-scale dynamics of colonization inexperimental metacommunities. Ecology Letters. 19 191-200. IF 9.505; Rank 4/158- Ecology; Q1.

13)Tsurim, I. andSilberbush A. 2016 Detrivory, competition, and apparent predation by Culiseta longiareolata in a temporary pool ecosystem. Israel Journal of Ecology andEvolution. 62 138-142. IF 0.483; Rank 123/158- Ecology; Q4.

14)Silberbush A. and Resetarits W J Jr. 2017, Mosquito female response to the presence of larvivorous fish does notmatch threat to larvae. Ecological Entomology. 42 595-600. IF 2.244; Rank11/96- Entomology; Q1.




Acceptedfor Publication




E.  Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books(Refereed)




Eveland, L. L.,Bohenek, J., Silberbush, A. and Resetarits, W. J. Jr. 2016. Detection ofFish and Newt kairomones by ovipositing mosquitoes. In: Schulte, B. A., Goodwin T.E. andFerkin M.H. (Editors). Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13. Springer pub, pp247-259.





מרחב אישי

מתעניין בכל ההבטים האקולוגיים של יתושים. ספציפית, מעניין אותי כיצד משפיעים סיגנלים כימיים ממקורות שונים על התפתחות הזחל ועל בחירת אתר ההטלה של נקבות בוגרות.