Personal Site

Ne'eman Adi

סגל אקדמי

Adi Ne'emanSeptember 2015


Curriculum Vitae


1. Personal Details



Adi Ne’eman

Place and date of birth:

Israel, 21 May 1974

Marital status:


Citizenship and identity card number:

Israeli  027330984

Permanent home address:

Moshav Amirim 120, 20115  ISRAEL

Telephone number:

+792 52 3532576



2. Higher Education






1996 - 2000

Department of Ceramic, Bezalel- Academy of Art & Design



1998 - 2000

Kerem Institute


Fine Art -  Teaching Diploma


2002 - 2006


Special Education - Teaching Diploma



Faculty of Education, Department Of Special Education, Haifa University

M.A. Special Education



Faculty of Education, Department Of Special Education, Haifa University

PHD   Special Education




3. AcademicRanks in Institutions of Higher Education



Name of institution and department


2001 - 2005

Department  of Art, Oranim


2006 - 2010

Department of Special Education, University of Haifa

Assistant instructor


Department of Special Education, University of Haifa

Research assistant

2007- present

Department of Special Education , Oranim



4. NonAcademic Work in Institutions of Higher Education



Name of institution and department


2008- 2005

Faculty of Education, University of Haifa

Coordinator of continuing education program in AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)

2013- present

School of Continuing Studies, Oranim

Head of the Autism Program


Membershipin professional societies

ISAAC Israel (International Society for Augmentative andAlternative Communication) On the Executive Board.


5. ActiveParticipation in Scholarly Conferences


Place and date

Title of presentation

The 3rd Conference of the Israel Association for Behavior Analysis

Natanya, Israel January 2006

The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative
and alternative communication (in Hebrew)

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 4th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities: Policy, Practice and Research

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2006

The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative
and alternative communication (in Hebrew)

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Ptach Tikva, Israel, October  2006

The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative
and alternative communication (in Hebrew)

ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 14th International Conference



Barcelona, Spain

 July 2010


Parent -Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parent s and their child with communication disorders

ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 14th International Conference

Barcelona, Spain

 July 2010


AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference?


Iassid- Europe 3rd International Conference



Rome, Italy

October 2010

Parent -Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parent s and their child with communication disorders

Iassid- Europe 3rd International Conference.


Rome, Italy

October 2010

AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference? (Poster)

Israeli Association of Child Development & rehabilitation Biannual - Conference

Jerusalem, November 2010

The influence of AAC on Parent -Child Dyads between parent s and their child with communication disorders

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference?

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities


Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

Parent -Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parents and their child with communication disorders (Poster)

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

Promoting early literacy abilities in a rehabilitation nursery – Review of a multidisciplinary team workshop

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

There is no place like home” – Augmentative communication in the natural environment

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

“Let’s do it” – Augmentative communication in the natural environment ( At home)

EARLI Conference 2011

Education for a Global Networked Society

UK, Exeter

September 2011

Dyad-communication model for representing parent & child interactions


ICare4Autism International Autism Conference, Autism: A Global Perspective

Jerusalem, Israel

August 2012

Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parents and their child with communication disorders (Poster)

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2013

The influence of an early intervention on dyadic communication between Parent and infant with complex communication disability

The Israeli Association for speech and language development Annual Conference


Tel-Aviv, Israel

February 2014

The influence of an early intervention on dyadic communication between Parent and infant with complex communication disability

Iassid- Europe 4rd International Conference.


Vienna, Austria

July, 2014

Maintaining a Dyad between a Toddler with Communication Disorders and his Parent as a Primary Caregiver using
Augmentative and Alternative Communication

ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 15th International Conference

Lisbon, Portugal

July, 2014

Maintaining a Dyad between a Toddler with Communication Disorders and his Parent as a Primary Caregiver using
Augmentative and Alternative Communication

The Israeli Association for speech and language development Annual Conference


Tel-Aviv, Israel

February 2015

The influence of iDo Hygiene App on performance of ADL activities among individuals with developmental disabilities, in the natural environments

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities


Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2015

 Dyad Communication Model As an implement in a parent education program: Improving of the interaction between parents and toddlers with communication difficulties using alternative communication (Poster)

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities


Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2015

Application Design for special needs education, from Theory to Practice


6. Teaching

Courses taught in recent years





  1. Teaching principle – ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)




  2. Assistive technology and computer use in special education

2008- present



  3. Augmentative and alternative communication

2008- present



  4. Teaching principle - Intellectual disabilities

2010- present



  5. Issues in Special Education




  6. From Theory to treatment – ASD

2012 - present



  7. Technologies to support the learning of students with learning disabilities

2013 - present



  8. Structure Teaching

2015- present



  9. Augmentative Communication in early childhood

2015- present



10.Principles of teaching students with ASD - Advanced course

2015- present



11.Communication disabilities in early childhood: Intervention Methods

2015- present



12.A student with ASD in the education system

2015- present





Hetzroni, O., & Ne'eman, A. (2010).Child dyads: A model for representing interactions between parents and theirchild with communication disorders. Journal of Applied Research inIntellectual Disabilities, 23(5) 438-438.

Hetzroni, O., Ne'eman, A., & Tannous,J. (2010). AAC continuing-education programmes for multi-disciplinary teams:Does it make a difference? Journal of Applied Research in IntellectualDisabilities, 23(5) 514-514.

Hetzroni, O. & Ne'eman, A. (2012). TheInfluence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative and alternativecommunication, Journal of intellectual disability research, 57 (7),669-680.

Ne'eman, A., & Hetzroni, O. (2014). Maintaining a dyadbetween a toddler with communication disorders and his parent as a primarycaregiver using augmentative and alternative communication. Journal ofApplied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4) 363-364.

Hetzroni, O.& Ne'eman, A. (in press). AACContinuing-education programs for multi disciplinary teams –  Aprogram at work. Augmentative and Altervative Communication




  1.Augmentative and alternativecommunication.

  2.Assistive technology.

  3.ASD (Autism SpectrumDisorder).

  4.Communication disabilities.

  5.Technology use in specialeducation.


קורות חיים

השכלה אקדמית


מוסד אקדמי

חוגים  ותואר

שנת קבלת תואר



   עיצוב קרמי

יוני 2000

ת. הוראה

מכון כרם


יוני 2000

ת. הוראה

מכללת אורנים

חינוך מיוחד

יולי 2005


אוניברסיטת חיפה

  חינוך מיוחד

יוני 2007


אוניברסיטת חיפה

בחוג לחינוך מיוחד

יוני 2015

מומחיות אקדמית

אוטיזם, אסטרטגיות הוראה לתלמידים לקויי תקשורת ושפה, טכנולוגיות סיוע ושימושי מחשב בחינוך המיוחד, תקשורת תומכת

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Teaching students with language and communication d disorders, Assistive Technology and Computer use in Special education, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)


במכללת אורנים





BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים



מבוא להוראת אוטיזם ולקויות תקשורת

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2008- כיום

שימושי מחשב בחינוך המיוחד

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2008- כיום

תקשורת תומכת וחליפית

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2011- כיום

מבוא להוראת לקות שכלית התפתחותית

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2013 - כיום

שיטות טיפול וחינוך לאוכלוסיית האוטיזם

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים

סדנא בהוראה מרחוק

2013 - כיום

טכנולוגיות, כלים ואסטרטגיות לסיוע לתלמידים עם לקויות למידה

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2015 - כיום

עקרונות בהבניית הלמידה

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2015 - כיום

תקשורת תומכת לגיל הרך

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2015 - כיום

עקרונות בהוראת תלמידים עם ASD

BA חינוך מיוחד

מכללת אורנים


2015 - כיום

לקויות תקשורת בגיל הרך: דרכי התערבות

תכנית התמחות באוטיזם, לימודי המשך, מכללת אורנים

סדנא והרצאה

2015 - כיום

התלמיד עם ASD במערכת החינוך, קורס מלווה פרקטיקום

מחוץ למכללה

השתלמויות בבתי ספר - 
*תקשורת תומכת ולחופית
*שימושים בIPAD בחינוך המיוחד

רשימת פרסומים

נושאי תיזה

עבודת הדוקטורט ( .Ph.D. / D.Sc) - בעברית ובאנגלית

מודל התקשורת הדיאדית ככלי לבחינת האינטראקציה בין הורה לפעוט עםלקות תקשורתית

Using the

Dyad Communication Model for investigatinginteraction between parents and toddlers with communication difficulties

עבודת תיזה למאסטר (.M.Sc. / M.A) - בעברית ובאנגלית

השפעת הצבע על למידה של סמלים לתקשורת תומכת וחלופית
The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative and alternative communication 


כתבי עת מדעיים ומקצועיים או פרקים בספרים

חצרוני, א., נאמן, ע., וגרטי,ת.,  (2010). תקשורת תומכת וחליפית:מדריך לצוות הרבה מקצועי במסגרות החינוך המיוחד. הוצאת מעלות: ישראל

 חצרוני, א., נאמן, ע., וגרטי, ת.,(2011). השתלמויות בתקשורת תומכת לצוות רב מקצועי – האם יוצרות שינוי מהותי?.שנתון אייזיק ישראל, 27, 24-31.

Hetzroni, O., & Ne'eman, A. (2010).Child dyads: A model for representing interactions between parents and theirchild with communication disorders. Journal of Applied Research inIntellectual Disabilities, 23(5) 438-438.

Hetzroni, O., Ne'eman, A., & Tannous,J. (2010). AAC continuing-education programmes for multi-disciplinary teams:Does it make a difference? Journal of Applied Research in IntellectualDisabilities, 23(5) 514-514.

Hetzroni, O. & Ne'eman, A. (2012). TheInfluence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative and alternativecommunication, Journal of intellectual disability research, 57 (7), 669-680.

Ne'eman, A., & Hetzroni, O. (2014). Maintaining a dyadbetween a toddler with communication disorders and his parent as a primarycaregiver using augmentative and alternative communication. Journal ofApplied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4) 363-364.

Hetzroni, O.& Ne'eman, A. (in press). AACContinuing-education programs for multi disciplinary teams –  Aprogram at work.

Augmentative and Altervative Communication

בהליכי כינוס


Place and date

Title of presentation

The 3rd Conference of the Israel Association for Behavior Analysis

Natanya, Israel January 2006

The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative
and alternative communication

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 4th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities: Policy, Practice and Research

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2006

The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative
and alternative communication

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Ptach Tikva, Israel October  2006

The influence of color graphic symbols acquisition for augmentative
and alternative communication

ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 14th International Conference


Barcelona, Spain

July 2010


Parent -Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parent s and their child with communication disorders

ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 14th International Conference

Barcelona, Spain

July 2010


AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference?


Iassid- Europe 3rd International Conference



Rome, Italy

October 2010

Parent -Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parent s and their child with communication disorders

Iassid- Europe 3rd International Conference.


Rome, Italy

October 2010

AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference? (Poster)

Israeli Association of Child Development & rehabilitation Biannual - Conference

Jerusalem, Israel November 2010

The influence of AAC on Parent -Child Dyads between parent s and their child with communication disorders

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference?

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities


Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

Parent -Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parents and their child with communication disorders (Poster)

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

AAC Continuing-education programs for multi-disciplinary teams – Does it make a difference

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

Promoting early literacy abilities in a rehabilitation nursery – Review of a multidisciplinary team workshop

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

There is no place like home” – Augmentative communication in the natural environment

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2011

“Let’s do it” – Augmentative communication in the natural environment ( At home)

EARLI Conference 2011

Education for a Global Networked Society

UK, Exeter

September 2011

Dyad-communication model for representing parent & child interactions


The 50 Annual Conference of the Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association

Tel-Aviv, Israel

February 2014

The influence of an early intervention on dyadic communication between Parent and infant with complex communication disability

ICare4Autism International Autism Conference, Autism: A Global Perspective

Jerusalem, Israel

August 2012

Child Dyads: A model for representing interactions between parents and their child with communication disorders (Poster)

The Annual Conference of ISAAC Israel

Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2013

The influence of an early intervention on dyadic communication between Parent and infant with complex communication disability

Iassid- Europe 4rd International Conference.


Vienna, Austria

July, 2014

Maintaining a Dyad between a Toddler with Communication Disorders and his Parent as a Primary Caregiver using
Augmentative and Alternative Communication

ISAAC (International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication) 15th International Conference

Lisbon, Portugal

July, 2014

Maintaining a Dyad between a Toddler with Communication Disorders and his Parent as a Primary Caregiver using
Augmentative and Alternative Communication

The 51 Annual Conference of the Israeli Speech Hearing and Language Association

Tel-Aviv, Israel

February 2015

The Influence of the Use of the iDo Hygiene App on the Performance of Daily Hygiene Skills in the Home Environment on Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities


Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2015

 Dyad Communication Model As an implement in a parent education program: Improving of the interaction between parents and toddlers with communication difficulties using alternative communication (Poster)

Beit Issie Shapiro’s 5th International Conference on

Developmental Disabilities


Tel-Aviv, Israel

July 2015

Application Design for special needs education, from Theory to Practice

הצגה בכנסים מדעיים

שם הכינוס

מקום חודש ושנה

כותרת ההרצאה

הכנס השלישי של העמותה הישראלית לניתוח התנהגות

המכללה לחינוך גופני ולספורט – וינגייט, נתניה, ישראל


השפעת צבע על למידת סמלים בתקשורת תומכת וחליפית - סדנא

הכינוס הבינלאומי הרביעי של בית איזי שפירא בנכויות התפתחותיות

מלון דויד אינטרקונטיננטל,

תל אביב, ישראל


השפעת צבע על למידת סמלים בתקשורת תומכת וחליפית