Articles in Refereed Journals
For numbers 3, 4 and 6, the order of the listed authors appears according to their relative contribution
- Ibrahim, R., Schwartz, M., Kahn-Horwitz, J., & Leikin, M. (2013). Bi-cultural aspects of second language learning in the bilingual context. Asian EFL Journal, 15, 4.
- Kahn-Horwitz, J., Roffman, N., & Teitelbaum, T.G. (1998). Facing the Challenges of learning English as a foreign language in Israel: in Response to Ganschow, Sparks and Schneider. Dyslexia, 4, 169-174. I. F.: 1.116, Ranking 2011 13/37 (Education Special), 25/67 (Rehabilitation), 26/51 (Psychology Educational)
- Kahn-Horwitz, J., Shimron, J., & Sparks, R. L. (2005). Predicting foreign language reading achievement in elementary school students. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 18, 6, 527-558. I. F.: 1.444
Kahn-Horwitz, J., Shimron, J., & Sparks, R. L. (2006). Weak and strong novice readers of English as a foreign language: Effects of first language and socioeconomic status. Annals of Dyslexia, 56, 1, 161-186. I. F.: 1.478
Kahn-Horwitz, J., Schwartz, M., & Share, D. L. (2011). Acquiring the complex English orthography: A tri-literacy advantage? Journal of Research in Reading, 34(1), 136-156. I. F.: 1.113, Ranking 2008: 26/112 (Education and Educational Research), 19/42 (Educational Psychology)
Kahn-Horwitz, J., Sparks, R. L., & Goldstein, Z. (2012). English as a Foreign Language spelling development: A longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics, 33(2), 343-363, doi:10.1017/S0142716411000397. I. F.: 0.95, 46/151 (Linguistics), 74/84 (Psychology, Experimental)
- Kahn-Horwitz, J., Sparks, R. L., & Goldstein, Z. (2012). Relevance of the Linguistic Coding Difference Hypothesis to English as an Additional Language Literacy in Israel. Current Issues in Bilingualism (pp. 21-42). NY: Springer.
Russak, S. & Kahn-Horwitz, J. (2013). English foreign language spelling: Comparisons between good and poor spellers.Journal of Research in Reading, doi: 10.1111/jrir.12009. I. F.: 1.25, Ranking 2008: 26/112 (Education and Educational Research), 19/42 (Educational Psychology)
קיטה, ב., & קהן-הורביץ, ג'. (2003). הוראת אנגלית כשפה זרה לתלמידים בעלי לקות למידה המשולבים בכיתה רגילה. סוגיות בחינוך מיוחד ובשיקום, 18, 2, 25-36.